UCLA Admissions Class of 2026 Discussion

1000-2500 is very small considering the number of people applied. 140k apps last year, definitely more this year.

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20 minutes? Maybe? Getting nervous haha. Good luck to everyone!

it’s pretty much down to luck when it comes to this stuff

But a lot of those applications are sifted through pretty quickly since all you have to do is check a box.

what box?

I doubt it will come today since it seems past data has shown it comes on Tuesdays based on the Reddit thread. Maybe 22nd also.

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I’m saying like its all one application so a lot of kids will simply just check off UCLA, CAL, etc

Please forgive me as I feel like this has been covered waaaay up in the thread…is the 1000-2500 number the amount of prospective students invited to apply for the alumni scholarship? Or the Regents invite?

Regents invite

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thank you - that’s what I thought.

Is the regents invite mainly for instate?

No, i mean 140k applied to UCLA not systemwide

We got the original email in January but nothing today yet, either. But my kid didn’t create an account or start the app, either.

Edited to add: Alumni Scholarship reminder email did finally show up

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For OOS and international as well.

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Yes but many people apply to UCLA who know it is an EXTREME reach and are targeting maybe UCSC etc but just apply since it is easy to add on.

i see but even still, the odds are not great

Yeah, whole process is very subjective.

Correction: my kid did get the reminder Alumni Scholarship app — but it didn’t arrive until about 3:00

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Not received the Alumni email reminder yet. Maybe it comes in waves and we’ll get it by tomm.
Not that good it matters​:joy::joy:

my son just got it a few mins ago

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