UCLA Class of 2027 Official Thread

Ah okay, wish I could’ve went to Bruin Day today but unfortunately I was busy running errands. But I appreciate the reply, thank you!

Alright, I’ll make sure to find the time to register for the new student orientation. :grin:

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This is good to know - I was wondering if we should make arrangements to go to family orientation but only if it is helpful as it isn’t easy for us to make. What type of information do they cover? (If its things like a tour, we’ve already done that) And do we get to pick different information sessions or is it one set agenda?
Thank you.

If I had to do it over I’d skip the family orientation…didn’t find it valuable. Also, have a great Mother’s Day with your kid today, future UCLA moms not living in So Cal…because for the next few years your kid will be on campus (quarter system) while many of their peers will already be home for the summer.


For move-in day, does anyone know about how many days parents should help their children move in. We are coming from OOS and want to arrange our flights.

I would say 2, max. After that they really want to get off to meet people. The rooms are small and can’t fit much. An afternoon to move in and see what you are missing, go to Target to buy what you need (but be aware the one near campus sells out of some things early). Then another day to finish, take them out to eat and then say goodbye then or the next morning.

If you are worried that’s too little, plan activities for yourselves in the LA area in case you want to check in one more time before you fly out.

We drove down from the Bay Area 2 days before my D22’s move in date, just to spend a couple of days together in LA. We went to the Glossier store, we walked around campus to find all of her class locations. Our move in time was early, 8:45, so we were done by about lunch time. I took her and one of her roommates to lunch and then went back to my hotel. She was eager to settle in and meet her floormates. The next morning, we did a Target run and I helped her with that stuff and then we said our goodbyes and I drove home. It was hard, but I found that the time spent together before move in was wonderful, and it made it a little easier to leave when she was excited to get to know dorm life.


We had a 4pm move in time. Drove down from the Bay Area that morning, and were done by 7pm (IIRC you had a maximum of 3 hours parking on campus, one of us shuttled stuff from the car park under the softball field while the other helped to set things up in the room). Stayed outside LA and came back the next morning.

We had learned our lesson from dropping off his sister at her college the month before where we stayed around for 2 days and she was too busy to see us at all. So we didn’t want to get in S’s way. The triples are so tiny and hot that having more than 1 parent in there at a time is difficult.

His roommate from OOS flew in the day before, moved in that morning before his official time, and his parents left before we arrived that afternoon.

If you are going to stay longer and want to spend time together then do it before move in not after.



My son, international living in Paris, would like to attend the last New Orientation Session. It is as of now full. Do you know what he could do to try to attend the last session? If it is not possible and he has 10 days to “spare” on Campus before classes start, do you think there are other students who will be in the same situation on Campus from September 10ish until the start of the classes?

Thank you very much.

Contact the following:

Has anyone heard of the UCLA The Big Bang Theory scholarship? My son got an email from them today. He didn’t apply for it, kind of sounds like he either is being invited to apply for it, or has received it and they want to him to answer some questions. We had never heard of it.

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Congratulations! It is one of the many scholarships that UCLA offers. This one has a cool name and back story.

Do you have to apply for this scholarship? (My son didn’t) Or do they just offer it to some students who fit the criteria?

I believe they choose candidates based on their UC application. It looks like the deadline to apply was 5/19/23. What does the email say? Does it indicate that he is invited to apply or are they looking for a bio/profile to send to the donors?


It says congratulations you have received the Big Bang Theory Scholarship. It may not show up yet in your Fin Aid package. This is paraphrased because I don’t have my son’s login info with me. Then it asks him to answer some questions like: Why do you want to go to UCLA? How did you get interested in Sciences? Then there’s a place to thank the donor.

Well then, he got it.

It is common to ask scholarship recipients to write a thank you letter, or to submit a bio with their background and interests, for the university to send to donors. It sounds like that is what they are looking for.


Thanks, He’ll call today to confirm! So excited and shocked!

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UCLA are good at linking students up with the donors who funded their scholarships. S18 was an Alumni scholar and had a lunch or dinner every year with the donor group his specific scholarship was named for.

So I expect the questions are part of that feedback to the donors. It would be cool to meet the cast (my S’s donors were a group of ladies in their 70s, I assume class of 1970ish or similar).


It would be amazing to meet the cast! Both my kids watched the show for years! :joy:

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