UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine...

<p>Who knows about the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine in detail? Like I know it is one of the best medical schools in the world, but other than that how does it set itself apart from other medical schools? Any specific programs offered? </p>

<p>I want to learn more about this aspect of UCLA...anyone willing to help me? =]</p>

<p>Especially information related to Cardiology and how much UCLA cares for the patients at hand too and not only the science aspect of it</p>

<p>its pass/fail.</p>

<p>extremely disorganized admissions staff…buttt that doesn’t affect anyone’s decision to go there if fortunate enough to get in because 1) awesome location 2) awesome school 3) pass-fail thus reduces the competition in class ( doesn’t that just sound dreamy)</p>

<p>As for the patient care aspect, RRMC makes this a top priority, there’s committes on patient satisfaction and all…check out C-ICARE, theres even a program for undergrands called ARC that allows undergraduates to partake in meeting patient satisfactoin established quotas…if you are interested in getting involved with ARC their application is due in like a week…website is <a href=“http://arcucla.hostcell.net/[/url]”>http://arcucla.hostcell.net/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Most of the entering med students I’ve talked to actually regard UCSD as the better medical school, but RRMC is the better medical center (no doubt since it’s brand new and such). </p>

<p>You’re getting to residency territory when talking about Cardiology, but you can do three week sub-internships in Cardiology while in medical school. Good thing about RRMC is that you do get to see a variety of cases, though most of the cases I’ve seen have been in pediatric cardiology.</p>

<p>Thanks for the much appreciated info guys. </p>

<p>@bannana_girl: yea I am applying to ARC and thats why I wanted to learn more about the David Geffen School of Medicine because one of the questions was why you want to be part of it.</p>

<p>UCLA does have two medical schools.
Drew(Harbor) and Geffen(Reagan)</p>

<p>Your first two years will be together but your 3rd and 4th year rotations will be at their respective hospitals.</p>