UCLA Music and Comp sci or UC Berkeley Comp sci

Hi my passion is music but I also enjoy comp sci. I dont know if i should go to UCLA for music and comp sci or Berkeley for cs. Berkeley’s cs (or eecs) degree is a lot higher ranked than UCLA’s music and cs major. What do you think I should do? Sorry if im posting in the wrong area… this is my first question.

You would have to get accepted into UCLA’s School of Music through audition, and then you would have to get accepted into UCLA for CS independently. Given UCLA’s 14% acceptance rate over all, that’s a tough goal.

Barring that however, if music is your passion I would definitely say UCLA is leaps and bounds above Berkeley in that field.

You would have to double major at UCLA, getting into two schools as @KTJordan78 says – the music school is audition only and highly selective. The only minors they have are in Music History and Music Industry.