ucla please anwser am i too young

<p>i want to make sur i get into ucla
okay pepes my GPA is a 3.5 im a freshman i have no ap classes yet but i will have two next year i did 5 hours of community service and was rewarded by the national health department i was in the junior cadet class i love reading political science books and love tennis do i have a chance from now oh yeah i was ranked 176 out of 1376 freshman's also African American</p>

<p>RUN AWAY FROM THIS WEBSITE!!! (At least for the next year and a half!) Enjoy the next four years of high school, and don’t worry about college too much. Just make sure you’re joining clubs (that interest you), and service your community. If you keep your grades up, you’ll be fine.</p>

<p>lol i agree,its waaayyy too early, just keep trying your best and you’ll be fine, and like rajincajunfire said, come back in AT LEAST a year in a half haha :)</p>