UCLA Regents or UCD Regents/ISHP

<p>So, Bob has narrowed down his choices between UCLA and UCD. He has Regents at both schools and has been invited to the ISHP at Davis. He’s leaning towards UCLA because of the name recognition for opportunities after graduation. He hasn’t thought about graduate school yet and is leaning towards physics or mathmatics for a major, but really needs to be involved in music too.</p>

<p>The only thing that concerns me is he is really an introvert/shy and I cannot imagine him sharing a tiny room with two other people at UCLA. At Davis with the ISHP, he would get to live in Miller hall, and even if he were to have to live with 2 other people, the rooms are almost twice as big. And, Davis is only about 1/2 an hour away, so if he needed a break from the roommates, it would be easy enough to come home frequently.</p>

<p>The cost is not a factor since there’s only about $1,500 difference between the two. Physics is ranked very high at both schools. There would be more music opportunities at UCLA.</p>

<p>So, just wondering if there is anything else he should consider in his decision or that would help him decide between the two. We are leaving the decision up to him, but we just want him to think about everything that might help him make a decision.</p>


<p>I would just say the most important thing (since they’re both highly ranked) is that he should pick the place where he will be the happiest. I know it’s a very difficult decision to decide where you’ll want to be for the next 4 years. And yes, UCLA has more name recognition, but there’s no point going to a place where you’ll be miserable at for 4 years, regardless of the name. Not saying that he will be miserable at UCLA but just pointing the fact out. Although I don’t know your son, I think dorm life makes people less shy anyway so I wouldn’t be too worried about having a small dorm at UCLA (though I’ve never been there before so I can’t say for sure what it’s like). Overall, I would just say to make sure he picks where he wants to go for the right reasons.</p>

<p>Did Bob attend one of the UCLA RSS (Regents Scholar Society) OSP (Overnight Stay Program)? If he did, he should have a good idea of what dorm life is like at UCLA. So he can decide if he is fine with it.</p>

<p>My two bits: I particpated for Davis’ Regents Scholars Society Overnight Hosting Program with ISHP people and I really liked it. It was enjoyable and I got to know some of the people there. It really impressed me and is a big factor in me choosing Davis.($ was a lesser factor). I also got into and visited UCLA, w/o regents there though, and although I personally didn’t like it as much as Davis, I was also able to connect with a student there. I feel that regardless of where Bob chooses, he will find his own niche: After all, everyone is sort of in the same situation, in a new environment and not knowing many people. With Bob’s regents scholar status at both schools, I’m sure that he’d do well at either school. I definitely agree with $KingsElite$ advice to pick the place where he’ll be happiest at. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you for your responses! Last night Bob committed to UCLA. This is probably the best thing for him, to not only go to an excellent school, but to get out on his own away from his hovering mom, and become independant. I’m sad to not have him closer to us, but happy that he has this opportunity.</p>