<p>I turn 21 right before the move in date… so acceptable field trips should include bars!</p>
<p>haha congrats! someone else in their 20’s! yay</p>
<p>@theregoesevan, ewww no one wants to party with you grandpa! I turn 21 in February! Enjoy being old by yourself. =P</p>
<p>Thank you, thank you @kernlsanders - Good luck to you!</p>
<p>Dang I’m not even 20 yet… :(</p>
<p>^Same here! So that gives us… 8 months hahahaha</p>
<p>Awe, shucks V_V</p>
<p>poor OLD evan lmao!</p>
<p>What do you guys think about my BruinCard ID photo? I was going for playful.</p>
<p><a href=“http://integrallife.com/files/u868/einstein460x276.jpg[/url]”>http://integrallife.com/files/u868/einstein460x276.jpg</a></p>
<p>were you guys friends back in college? LMAO that’s the last one I swear.</p>
<p>That’s very flattering, but this was my old college roommate:</p>
<p><a href=“http://api.ning.com/files/f9GQdcqhr3dsPoF6I**5Uwm0OjA-eUZ4g1jn7gYTApAX*UCAS7Au2cyNLy2K17RKwRrUYoMw192Efsl5UDm37vzhhn17PwC*/2ijpxr4.jpg[/url]”>http://api.ning.com/files/f9GQdcqhr3dsPoF6I**5Uwm0OjA-eUZ4g1jn7gYTApAX*UCAS7Au2cyNLy2K17RKwRrUYoMw192Efsl5UDm37vzhhn17PwC*/2ijpxr4.jpg</a></p>
<p>Oh really, that was mine too.</p>
<p>is anyone living at midvale plaza?</p>
<p>evan, did you ever get almost eaten by your former roommate? he doesn’t seem friendly</p>
<p>Luckily, I am good at hiding- I’ll say that much.</p>
<p>Where is Midvale??</p>
<p>i’m gona be living on ophir</p>
<p>Whats ophir?</p>
<p>midvale plaza is north of wilshire</p>
<p>midvale & landfair</p>
<p>^ I’m living there in the main building.</p>
ophir drive, intersects midvale avenue</p>