UCLA, UCSD, or UCB... Where will I be happier?

<p>So i’ve gotten into these three schools, UCLA Biology, UCSD Physiology and Neuroscience (revelle) and UCB Molecular and Cell Biology - Plan I (Immunology) . I’m going to be a premed student. I know that it doesn’t really matter what undergraduate school you go to as long as you get high GPA’s and MCAT scores, have a good background in research and interships… etc</p>

<p>I know that all three are great schools, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, so i’d like to ask the following:</p>

<p>Which school offers the best undergraduate opportunities for a pre-med student? I’m really into doing volunteer work as opposed to research and stuff (although, if it looks better to have a research background you should suggest that school haha whatever is better in the long run)
Which school do you think is easier to get a higher GPA? (Dont lecture me about how its gonna be hard and competitive everywhere haha i know that, and I’m prepared. I’m talking about qualities such as are professors willing to help you, tutoring…etc )
Which school has the best MCAT prep?
Which school has a generally happier bunch of students? (probably most important ^_^)</p>

<p>I’d of course like to hear any other criteria that you think separates one school from the others!</p>

<p>At this point, I’d just like to know which school is a better fit for me, since they’re all pretty good. I’m kind of a jack of all trades person… I’m not particularly amazing in math, english, science… but I can do all of these things pretty well. I’m not into partying, or sports events, although I’d like an athletic center or gym or something for myself. I like quiet places too. Diversity is also very important, I’d like to make friends with people from all over the country and world. Of course, if you think I’m wrong for wanting to be Pre-med and happy at the same time, by all means say so XD</p>

<p>I honestly would go between UCLA AND UCB.</p>

what are your reasons,rather why do u say these two?</p>

<p>I think you should go for fit. All three are insanely good in sciences, and you can get to any med school in the country of you do well at any of them. All offer research opportunities and other ECs to build up a resume. </p>

<p>UCSD: Gorgeous, San Diego location. Perhaps slightly less competitive than LA/Cal, but still very difficult. Some have complained that it is a commuter school/has a lacking social life. Perhaps investigate that further. </p>

<p>UCLA; Beautiful Westwood location. The most “college-y” feel of the three: brick buildings, campus feel, great weather. However, it is very competitive and getting a high gpa will no doubt be very difficult. </p>

<p>UCB: Northern California/bay area location. It has the coolest weather of the three, yet still not cold. It’s very liberal (not saying that’s good or bad, just something to take into account). Personally, I don’t find the area very attractive. Very competitive science classes, but also lots of opportunities for research. </p>

<p>I think you should visit all three before you decide.</p>

<p>I don’t know but one of my friends are in ucla bioengineering or something not so sure and he said it’s really hard to talk to your professors on the test or some other topics because they are generally not available, takes like a week to get to them.
maybe it’s true for all the uc’s?? lots of students</p>

<p>How to decline UCLA offer online?</p>

<p>What are the steps? thanks.</p>

<p>always. - what do you mean by “very liberal”. Can you please be more elaborate on what exactly it means… Thanks…</p>

<p>Berkeley is one of the most liberal places in the country. It also has a lot of social activism (occupy protests, etc.). There are a lot of hippies and hobos and whatnot in the area, though there is probably less of that stuff on campus. There is a smoke shop directly across the street from campus and several stores selling drug paraphanelia on telegraph street. There’s lots of thrift stores, etc. it’s just a liberal place. I don’t think that means a conservative cant fit in, they just have to be tolerant of liberals.</p>

<p>I think you should go with UCSD or UCLA!</p>

<p>My son got into all three, albeit for engineering. Anyhow you really need to visit all three because they are all very different. As a previous poster stated, they are all excellent universities and you should focus on where you feel you fit in the best. Hence, my advice to visit. My son ended up choosing Berkeley. He loves it there. FYI - he is fiscally conservative and socially liberal and fits in just fine. He loves all the activism and enjoys the lively debates the occur between individuals on campus. Go visit each campus with an open mind. Trust yourself and go with the one you feel most comfortable attending. You’ve got some great choices. Good luck!</p>

<p>I can NOT decide: UCB (mechanical engineering) or UCSD (aerospace engineering)</p>

<p>I crossed out UCLA (aerospace engineering) - because AE department is too small
and CalPoly SLO (aerospace engineering) - because it is hard to graduate in 4 years</p>

<p>As liberal as UCB is, I’ve heard that the Republican club at UCB is THE largest club on campus. Don’t know if it’s still true.</p>

<p>Politics aside, I’d probably pick UCB… probably since I grew up in the SF Bay Area, so I have a bias. Plus, I like college football.</p>