UCLA vs. CSULB Presidential Scholarship

Hi guys,

I’ve gotten accepted into both UCLA and CSULB and am extremely conflicted on which school to go to. I am currently planning to major in English, but since I have no idea what career path I want to enter, there’s a chance that I might change my major… (I’m not sure what I’d change it to yet, so that makes this an even harder decision.) I also might decide to go to graduate school.

For CSULB, I was blessed to receive the presidential scholarship that provides me a completely full ride, along with “priority registration, small classes, faculty mentors, internship support, summer research assistantships, and opportunities for international educational travel and local civic engagement.” I would also have to do a research project/honors thesis for my senior year. Out of hundreds of applications, only 30 people are chosen for this per year, so it’s a pretty big deal.

On the other hand, my estimated cost of attending UCLA is projected to be about $8.8k per year. After talking to my counselor and considering the fact that the costs are overestimated and include some variables, we took that number down to about $4.3k per year. For an education at UCLA, that is a pretty cheap price. Many of my teachers have also told me that UCLA would offer me more opportunities since it’s located in Los Angeles and is such a big school.

Where do you guys think is the best place to go? These are both extremely good options. Money is an issue for my family, but I do still want to consider opportunities, the social life, and my future with this degree in finding a job/attending grad school. Would it be worth it in the long run to turn down this amazing scholarship for a relatively low price in attending UCLA? Or is it a better decision to accept this free opportunity at LB? I would love to hear anybody’s input, especially if they’ve attended UCLA or have received the Presidential Scholarship for CSULB!

That is a very tough call. If you have a free ride at the top CSU campus, that would be very tough to turn down. Yet is your cost of attendance at UCLA is $30K less than usual, that’s awesome too! Since you are unclear on career path, it is hard to advise one versus the other. Which calls out to you when you walk the campus? Use the Force, Luke! (Or Leia.) :slight_smile: