Hi everyone! I’m hoping to get more insight/viewpoints on these two institutions. I have been admitted to UCLA as well as Rutgers New Brunswick (honors college) for their engineering programs. I am very much aware that UCLA does have a more prestigious engineering program, however, I have also researched on Rutgers program quite extensively and believe that there is an abundance of research opportunities along with the rigor of being in the honors college. Also, cost wise, Rutgers will be around 20,000 a year while UCLA will cost nearly 50,000 a year. I have not had a chance to physically visit UCLA as I’m from PA, but both Rutgers and UCLA have the large, suburban atmosphere I’m seeking.
So I’m just seeking some insight. And no, I’m not basing my decision off of what others say, I just simply want to gather an array of viewpoints before making a decision that will affect the next four years of my life. Is UCLA worth it? Which do you think will be more beneficial in the long run? Thank you 
OK, here’s my take, as uninformed as it probably is. I have lived in New Jersey at various times but do not know Rutgers very well though I do know their Honors program by reputation. I am very familiar with UCLA as I took a graduate degree there and also lived and worked nearby for a decade and more. I know little about engineering except that a couple of engineers I know are excellent beer drinkers and fly fishermen and can do both simultaneously.
I wouldn’t characterize UCLA as a suburban environment, though some people, such as Raymond Chandler, consider LA itself as one big suburb. Westwood is right in the middle of LA’s Westside - close to the beach, heavy traffic day and night, a lot of energy and a lot of fun - maybe too much fun. From a student lifestyle perspective UCLA is fantastic.
Rutgers’ honors offer is tasty and its tuition is a much better financial deal for you. Also, you will save a lot of travel costs going home for visits and living in LA especially the Westside of LA can be expensive all around, significantly more than north central New Jersey.
Assuming you are talking about undergraduate programs, I think Rutgers is the obvious choice. You will get a rigorous education within a reasonable budget. You can take a bit of the huge pile of money you will save and get out to California for summer vacations.
IMO, your comment about prestige is not very relevant here. I suppose UCLA is some advantage in public perception but from a career standpoint, I doubt if employers are going to care as much about the school as much about the engineer. Prestige choices might come into play at the grad school level but even then only on a case by case basis.
ucla is not suburban lol. also, this decision comes down to finances. assuming money is no issue, you know…
@agincourt @dontcha I always considered it suburban, but I suppose not haha. So I’m seeing that it comes really down to finances then and that both colleges will offer me quite equal levels of education/assistance towards my path to grad school? Thanks for the inputs by the way!
I am in agreement with Agincourt. I consider UCLA more urban than suburban. Something like Pasadena, home of Caltech, falls on the suburban side. Finances are a powerful thing. A motivated student should be able to succeed with resources from UCLA or Rutgers. School prestige is not as important as research experience and letters of rec for grad school.
A lot of kids from my high school go to Ohio State because of cost, even if accepted to top-notch universities like UChicago (as was the case for one girl, who by the way is very happy at OSU). I myself have gotten into my dream school, several target schools, and my safety (OSU). For me, the price difference isn’t more than $20,000 because I didn’t apply anywhere where I was pretty much guaranteed a full ride since those colleges didn’t have the learning environment I craved. In the end, it comes down to finances, opportunities, and fit. Financially Rutgers is clearly the “wiser” choice, especially if there are lots of opportunities. However, I imagine the student body at these two places is very different, and I myself would be much happier at UCLA than at Rutgers socially. Have you seen the Rutgers campus? Sat in on classes, or talked to the students there? (Joining their admit facebook group or their group chats on apps like Quad could help give a general idea of what the students will be like. Especially for UCLA, it’s the next best thing to visiting. On the OSU group chat, one of the first things someone posted was a picture of a bottle of beer…) if you and your parents can’t afford UCLA then Rutgers is a better choice ofc (unless you’ve heard back from elsewhere), but if they’re both feasible, gauging the social atmosphere is the next most important thing.
@spacelove17 Thank you for your response! Pretty much, my parents said they would pay for Rutgers if I do attend, or the tuition cost of Rutgers for UCLA (and I would pay the rest), which isn’t too bad a deal now that I see it. But I definitely do see where you’re coming from with the social atmosphere. I’ve visited Rutgers plenty of times as I have a couple friends who do go there. I have, as you suggested, joined the admit facebook groups and found that at UCLA, prospective students do generally tend to place studying as one of their highest…attrributes? I do enjoy the Rutgers atmosphere, it’s its own little community. But if I do get a chance, I’ll definitely try to head out to LA to visit. I signed up for Bruins day and the engineering open house, so hopefully scheduling works out!
Rutgers is also in the Wall Street Journal’s top 25 schools for job recruiters.
The difference between UCLA & Rutgers for u is 30k/yr x 4 yrs = $120k , not including considerable cross country airline travel.
It is unlikely u will get $120k more value out of an engineering degree from UCLA vs an engineering degree from Rutgers-- not to mention the scary loan payments u will face when you graduate. Being 120k ahead, you could more feasibly buy a house.
@gmtplus7 Thanks for the articles!
Visiting from NJ for Bruin day too. What did you think vs RU?
@freedom12 I actually wasn’t able to go to Bruins day, but I’ll be visiting UCLA in a couple weeks! How was it?
How do you propose to come up with 120k? The most you can borrow on your own is 28K. Above that, you will need a co-signer.
Borrowing the equivalent sum as a mortgage on a small house will affect you for more than the next 4 years. A 100k loan at 5% interest, w a 10 year repayment term = $1,060/mo! You will be paying back nearly 13k/yr for the next ten years. Think of how limiting that will be when you want to save for a house, buy a car, take a date out to dinner, go on a vacation…
If you can’t realistically cough up the additional 30grand per year, then why waste your time visiting UCLA?
@GMTplus7 I was simply gathering advice/input from others who have or will be going through the same situation as me. And although you may see it as a waste of time, I think it will be well worth my time to go and visit UCLA. I’m not going to return right after I visit UCLA, I plan on doing other things while in California as well…
UCLA is awesome. Do not plan on visiting if you don’t like the idea of debt because you can’t help but fall in love with the campus and Westwood. Education and job wise, you can’t miss with RU or UCLA. If money is your deciding factor, RU will win. If lifestyle and campus vibe factor in, UCLA is the hands down winner. Either way, you will go to a great school. It is basically where you can see yourself fit in and if you can afford it. You never hear anyone say RU is my dream school. At UCLA, everyone says UCLA was my dream school. And when you tell people that you are accepted to UCLA, they all say congratulations because they know it is difficult to get accepted. Good luck and let me know what you decide. Go Bruins!!
@freedom12 Oh man, that gets me even more excited just to see the campus! haha. I feel as though my mind is telling me to go to Rutgers, but my heart wants UCLA. But thanks for your reassurance. I suppose I do undermine Rutgers quite a bit because many people I have talked to from Jersey seem to have a very negative opinion towards Rutgers. But I’ll be sure to let you know my ultimate decision!
Oh and if you like school pride, they each have it. Especially since RU is now in the Big 10. But Bruin pride and alumni network is global. Everyone around the world knows UCLA. Oh and I am from Jersey btw. So the red R is on one of our cars, but not mine!!