UCR or...?

So I am accepted to CSULA and waitlisted to UCR. Should I wait for UCR’s decision or just go to CSULA?
I’m majoring in psychology.

I want to go to UCR because I really want to experience the dorm life, but I live too close to CSULA to dorm there. Also, UCR is one of the lower UC’s and some call it UCRejects… and it’s located in the desert; people say that it is boring and lifeless with no clubs there. If I go to CSULA, I will save money, but money isn’t really one of my concerns… And CSULA isn’t a really good college either.

Someone please give me advice and opinions.

And if I am able to attend UCR, would it really be hard to transfer to another UC after 2 years? I heard that it is and that UC’s don’t encourage it. Is transferring from a UC to UC easier than transferring from CSU to UC?

Based on your post, you have neither visited UCR or have not done enough research. A school with an average GPA of 3.69, is not a school for Rejects. Before UCM was established, UCR was the default campus for ELC applicants that were denied acceptance into their choice UC, so UC for rejects. UCR has been climbing up in rankings over the past several years. As for location, yes it is not in the most desirable area, but you live in SoCal, we all live in a desert here. As for boring, you make your own fun. There are plenty of things to do around campus as long as you actively seek them out. Do not going into a school with the assumption of transferring in 2 years. First, UC to UC transfers are possible but difficult and secondly, you may find after a year that you will change your mind.

If you plan to transfer, going the CC route and using TAG (Transfer Guarantee) would be preferable. CSU to UC route is even more difficult. Stick with the CC if possible.

You have to make a decision before May 1, so either accept CSULA until you hear from UCR or apply to your local CC and pursue the transfer route.

Remember one the first rules of college applications is to apply only to schools in which you plan to attend including your safeties. Why put these schools on the list in the first place, if you do not want attend?

Good Luck and visit UCR, we will be presently surprised about the campus and all the great opportunities.

Thanks. I was just having second thoughts about where to go and if I should bother waiting to see if UCR will accept me. But I’ve decided that if they do accept me, I will go there, but what are the chances of that…? SIGH. I’ll stay hopeful.

You also have option C. Since you are UC eligible you will be offered admission to UC Merced. See http://www.latimes.com/local/education/la-me-uc-guarantee-20141225-story.html

You have nothing to loose by accepting a spot on the waiting list.

I believe only those in the top 9% of their class who are rejected from a UC will get the UCM offer.

Don’t know if that describes the OP or not.

Since you are in the LA area, visit UCR - see what it’s all about. If you still want to go, see how it shakes out.

If not, CSULA and your local CC are both viable options.

If you would prefer to transfer to higher ranked UC, go to community college. UC to UC transfers are possible with high grades, CSU to UC transfers are unlikely, but CC to UC is often guaranteed. Many UCR students commute and you’d be living at home with CSULA anyway, so you wouldn’t get the typical freshman dorm experience anyway. If you go to a CC and transfer to a school you do like, you can get that experience in the transfer dorms.