<p>If I went by ranking, I would’ve chose UCB over UCLA now wouldn’t I(no they’re not equal) and I’m not an engineering major so I wouldn’t know too much about the engineering programs so I’m not providing false fact, but just assumptions.</p>

<p>The U.S. & World News Report website rank schools based on their competition level, alumni contributions, wealth, and the impact of variety of programs and organizations on students. That’s why most private schools (Ivy League schools) ranked higher than UC Berkeley and UCLA. (Even Emory, Rice and Notre Dame ranked higher than UCB and UCLA). This ranking system could be RELIABLE, but it doesn’t VALIDATE how each school would have an impact on student’s college life and education. So, I think people shouldn’t base solely on ranking system when choosing college. But then again, Most UC schools literally have the same academic levels. Both UCB and UCLA could have good professors or bad professors, depending on what classes you are taking. You could have a professor who has thick English accent or you could have a professor who could help you prepare for your future. There are plenty of professors out there at UC schools who came from all over the world. People assume that UCB is better than UCLA just because of its prestige based on the ranking system from those stupid websites. The ONLY difference between UCB and UCLA is that UCB is more competitive. Their academic levels are the same. You can still go to UCLA and have a same skill and education as UC Berkeley student or Ivy League student If you are willing to put your effort at UCLA. Let me repeat this again, College is what you make of it. You can either work hard, get involved and be active in college or you can slack off, assuming that you can succeed in your future just by going to a prestigious school. The choice is yours. The person is not guaranteed to succeed in his future just because he/she goes to a prestigious school. </p>

<p>oh btw, good luck at UCLA.</p>