<p>2100 800chem 800iic rank around 300 of 550. 3.8 ucgpa. ridiculously competitive school (40% go to ucs), nationally ranked school. 100hrs service. 4 ap stats 5 ap chem.</p>
<p>pretty please</p>
<p>If you post your demographics and more information it might be easier. At least tell us if you're in state out oos</p>
<p>overrepresented minority, in state.</p>
<p>UCB/UCLA: Match
UCSD: Safe Match
UCSC/UCR/UCM: Super Safety</p>
<p>UCB and LA a match when he's in the bottom half of his class. I don't think so. The mid level UCs might be willing to overlook because of the relatively high SATs.</p>
<p>UCB/UCLA: Reach/Slight Reach
UCSD: Slight Reach/Match
UCI/UCSB/UCD: Match/Safe Match</p>
<p>Usually with your GPA and SAT I would call UCLA and UC Berkeley and reach/slight reach and UCSD a slight reach/match. But your low ranking might change your odds at those schools as all three are very competitive. I do not know how they will view your lower class ranking. You should be in at UCI/UCSB/UCD no problem.</p>
<p>i forgot to mention my gpa freshman year was a 3.3/2.8. i got 3.5s and 3.66s uw junior and sophmore. class rank is unweighted. rank based on overall gpa of 3.4 unweighted puts me at 300 out of 550. weighted courses are only for 11/12 graders. so 3.3 ucgpa sophmore and 4.1 ucgpa junior. none of my 3 sophmore honors courses are weighted. </p>
<p>hope no one read overrepresented as underrepresented</p>