<p>What are my chances of getting into these schools:
UCSD, UCI, and UCD?</p>

SAT: 1840 (570 Reading, 570 Writing, 700 Math) (Retook it October)
SAT II: Chemistry & Math II (going to take November)
UC GPA: 4.18
Cumulative Weighted GPA: 4.1
Rank: Top 5% (30 of 628) (Eligible for ELC)</p>

Junior Year: AP Chem, AP Eng Lang & Comp, CPM Math Analysis Honors
Senior Year: AP Calc AB, AP Stats, Physiology Honors</p>

4 Yrs of Track & Field (2 Yrs Varsity)
2 Yrs of Varsity Cross Country
100 hours Volunteer Hours (haven't submitted everything yet)
CSF for 2 yrs
Key Club (4 Yrs)
Christian Club
Latin Club</p>

<p>UCSD - high match
UC Davis - match
UCI - low match</p>

<p>better sats will obviously bump you up. you have considerable headroom for improvements on your sat 1 so take advantage of that.</p>

<p>I agree completely with the guy above me. Hopefully your october SAT is good.</p>