<p>i’m possibly applying for engineering programs at UCB, UCSD, UCD & UCLA.
should i write about engineering in my essay?
also should i include the SAT score that has a higher math score even though it is overall 10 points less than my highest overall score?
thank you.</p>

<p>Give them all of your scores and let them decide what they think is best. Write about yourself in your essay. Think of a story you can tell that will let them get to know your personality. There will be a zillion other applicants with your same stats and EC's. You need to differentiate yourself as a person. Tell them something they cannot find anywhere else on the application. Good luck.</p>

<p>UC only lets you fill out one SAT score. :(
sorry. i should of specified i meant writing about engineering in the two essays... probably #2. im done with both my essays but i was told that engineering is going to be extremely tough to be get in and i should write about an experience i had with engineering! but the thing is, i would write about it. but i'm one of those kids that does not know what i want to do yet. yes, i feel passionate about engineering but i would like to have some wiggle room in the future just in case it doesn't work out for me.</p>

<p>I believe you should use the highest overall SAT; If they get both, that is what they will fill in and it probably should match what you self report.</p>

<p>^^depends on your individual scores...what are they? (The reason I ask is that it's also helpful to report a strong W score if you have one). For example, IMO, a 740-740-600 = 2080, would not look as good as 700-700-660=2060; the latter shows better balance. And, of course, the UCs DO look at W.</p>

<p>And, yes, Engin. likes high math scores, but they'll get that from your Math 2.</p>

<p>here are my scores.
im a really bad test taker in general. </p>

R-670 M-690 W-650 2010</p>

R-630 M-780 W-590 2000</p>

<p>superscore: 1450/2100 </p>

<p>thank you. </p>

<p>math II-720</p>

<p>Uhhh, I'd go with the 2000. You don't really know how schools like UCLA/Berkeley look at their applicants. 10 points overall isn't even that much of a difference.</p>

<p>Also, I applied for engineering at those schools too and didn't write about engineering at all. You don't really have to.</p>

<p>I agree. Go with the 2000.</p>

<p>I'd go with the 2010</p>

<p>it would be great if you guys can explain your rationale!
thanks. :]</p>

<p>I like all scores 600+</p>

<p>I would include both scores and I wouldn't rewrite my essays just to put in engineering. and don't UC's require 2 subject tests?</p>

<p>sorry. one more question.
for UC apps and filling out extracurricular activities....
what would you do if you spend the last three years doing something.
and say, you spend more time your freshmen & sophomore than junior year.
would you just average the time from all three years?
also are you supposed to predict what you do in your sr yr.
for example, youre involved in a sport...but its in the spring. should you also mark 12th?</p>