My d has been admitted to both. She plans on majoring in biology, but she may want to switch to Econ. My d is interested in doing research, which is why ccs stands out, but is worried that if bio is not for her, she will end up majoring in Econ in LnS. If she switches majors, then she would feel like Ucsb was a bad choice since UCLA is better. My d is also wondering about how hard it is to get research positions as an undergraduate. Does anybody know what % of undergrad do research at Ucla? Any info is appreciated. Thank you

50% of undergraduates do research in UCLA. I believe UCLA is the number two school in the country in the amount of research funding received (about one billion dollars a year). If your D really wants to do research, I think she should be able to find in UCLA. BTW, I heard the average freshman changes their major more than two times. You can’t go wrong with either school, but UCLA may be the safer choice.

My son was shut out of both, so no dog in the fight… Great choices, very different. I think the central question is: big urban university with big classes, or smaller college within a big oceanfront university with a mix of small and large classes. CCS looks like a rare gem to me. Research is expected. Personally, I would grab that in a heartbeat.