UCSB Should I try out ROTC?

I’m going to be a freshman at UCSB this fall studying comp engineering. Was wondering if I should do ROTC for my first year? Will it be difficult to handle considering my major? Is it worth it?
I’m not sure if I want to go into military necessarily bc CS careers appear to be much more lucrative than military; however, I think doing ROTC might help me stay fit lol and maybe I’ll find a CS job in the military, if that’s feasible. Does anyone have any experience with this?

If the military is going to pay you back for you education it could be worth it. Don’t join unless you have a passion to do so because the military isn’t a joke. You’ll be waking up a 5am and getting off work at 5pm. Then you may be working 7 days a week for the first year too.

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ROTC is not gym. There are many good reasons to join ROTC, but this does not seem to be one of them.