<p>My son is accepted in UCSB and UW (for Computer Engineering) and also wait listed in UCI (Irvine), UCLA (Los Angeles), UCSD (San Diego) and UCD (Davis). Now he has only 2 options either go to Junior College and take UC transfer or go to one of these 2 Universities. From lots of peoples and posting I heard that UCSB is party college and therefore I am not sure if that's the right college for him or not. But I also heard UCSB has very good Computer Engineering program (1 of the top in country) but not sure.</p>
<p>UW is offering him guaranteed 7K scholarship (total 28K, all 4 years), so it's estimated cost is around 40K (Out Of State), where UCSB cost is around 32K (in State, California). I am not sure which college he should go and also what are the prospects (e.g. Jobs, Internship Offers etc.) afterwards. Any help to make up the decision will really be appreciated as I am not aware of both of these 2 colleges (specially Computer Engineering).</p>
<p>I would forget about the partying aspect of the schools. If he wants to party, I guarantee he will find plenty of parties at any school. UW is a good school but it is very competitive to get admitted into the upper division.</p>
<p>I would also disregard party aspect. Most big colleges have lots of parties–it is up to your son how often he goes. Most of the students worked very hard to get to these colleges and the top portion are going on to be excellent scholars. Top students at UCSB are going to Berkeley grad school. You can be sure either of these are great choices. It would be absurd, imo, to go to community college because these weren’t good enough. Washington’s program is particularly famous, if he is assured admission directly into that program, otherwise it is too competitive. There should be plenty of internship opportunities in Microsoft’s backyard that will lead him to good employment prospects. If there extra money is an issue, then SB is a good choice. He can look for internships in CA. </p>
<p>I think the OP has good reason to worry about the choices his son will make. Because it seems the son is not getting any practice in making them. Here we have a kid that is a few months away from starting at college, away from direct parental supervision. Yet it sounds like dad is still calling all the shots, out scouring the web for advice and suggestions on what he should tell his son to do instead of advising and guiding his son as his son makes a momentous decision. This doesn’t seem to bode well for the choices the kid will make in September away at college.</p>
<p>Congratulations to your son for being admitted to UWA’s computer science/computer engineering program as it’s the most competitive in the university.
It’s a very prestigious program.
UCSB is also very good indeed. Santa Barbara is a party school but it doesn’t mean your son HAS TO join the parties… and remember that there are parties on every campus in the US. Some top American universities (Yale, Dartmouth, UMiami,…) have this “work hard, play hard” mentality and it doesn’t make them any less good. So, if the 8K make a difference to your budget, UCSB is an excellent choice.
Note: If he WASN’T admitted into the CS/CSE major and must compete after freshman year, then take UCSB in a heartbeat. </p>