UCSD Acceptance

<p>^^^ tony, don’t get too excited. everyone here has some message like that.</p>

<p>Haha, If I don’t get into Warren my world will end lol. I’ve already decided on the 3 GE’s I would do if I got into Warren. Now for ERC, I would have to do 3 MMW courses to satisfy their GE’s for transfer students with IGETC. Such useless classes. At least at Warren I’d be able to take some communications classes, or other classes with some usefulness.</p>

<p>I was referring to the apology letter part. The fact that you actually had to take the time to look up the definition of sarcasm says much more about your wit than mine. Not to mention how you seem to having nothing better to do on a Friday night than start an argument over the internet. You must be the 40 year old virgin who lives in his mom’s basement and still thinks he can get into UCSD…</p>

<p>Fenris, I’ve been reading these boards for awhile now and I actually think that you are the one lacking any wit. You are the one who thinks you’re God, and your writing (which is shockingly bad and bombastic) in all your posts indicates this. I have a feeling you may be that laker24 guy who mysteriously vanished around the same time you [unfortunately] appeared on these boards. </p>

<p>If you have admissions advice to offer people, don’t imply that everyone with questions is stupid. We have questions and are anxious to hear back from our schools, which is understandable. You sound like a conceited child with your criticizing posts. </p>

<p>I have forwarded a copy of this message to your mother. I do indeed hope she scorns you for your incessant behavior, for that would benefit all of us.</p>

<p>Once again, nothing in your statements dictates sarcasm. I know the definition of sarcasm. i merely looked up an actual source so that you could learn. Actually, it’s saturday morning for me seeing as how i’m in Taiwan doing a six month internship. I’m actually 19. I finished my transfer in a year and decided to take a year off getting experience. </p>

<p>Sorry :(</p>

<p>thanks virtuoso! i don’t really care if my writing is bad on the internet as long as i pass my class with an A or a B so i’ll leave that judgment up to the teachers. however, when you don’t have a firm grasp over the tools you’re trying to convey regardless of writing skills, yeah. it’s a problem. </p>

<p>i’m actually not laker. i’m not that much of a ■■■■■. </p>

<p>as for admissions advice, i think you can see me giving it to answers that have not already been previously answered for the umpteenth time i.e “what the hell does the aventeur site do?!?!?!” read. </p>

<p>oh look, recognizable wit. you’re so good at this! you should teach politricks!</p>

<p>Fenris don’t be sorry lol, I thought your posts were right on. Some people should not pretend they used sarcasm when they didn’t and obviously don’t know what it is.</p>

<p>[Urban</a> Dictionary: fenris](<a href=“http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=fenris]Urban”>Urban Dictionary: Fenris)</p>


<p>How do you check your aventeur?</p>

<p><a href=“https://aventeur.ucsd.edu/public/newparent/[/url]”>https://aventeur.ucsd.edu/public/newparent/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>glad you know how to look up names on urban dictionary instead of actually having the knowledge of said subject. fenris is the name of the wolf that killed balder/baldur, the son of Odin in Norse mythology. I was later ripped in half from the jaw in another battle.</p>

<p>fenris is the name of the wolf that killed baler/baldur, the son of Odin in Norse mythology. >>>>>I<<<<< was later ripped in half from the in another battle.</p>

<p>hahahaha, I’m not even going to bother talking to a guy who claims to be a wolf.</p>

<p>Yeah, Politricks, I say we leave this childish ■■■■■ alone for awhile. Let him go see-saw with laker24 maybe. Too bad the CollegeConfidential police are on vacation to detain him. </p>



<p>That’s fine, we who want to genuinely learn for the sake of learning can gladly be apart from you. </p>



<p>Hmm, I’m not exactly sure what that statement means. What “tools” are apparently deluding you? </p>



<p>Extremely debatable statement. </p>


You’re right, I can see that, unfortunately, but at the same time I notice about a hundred embarrassingly pathetic posts that do nothing for people with questions. I myself have been helped by a lot of people on this board, but you are just an unwanted interruption. If only you would change. </p>



<p>Again, I only see inebriated verbosity in you, no wit.</p>

<p>yes, that was definitely my intention. seeing as how it’s “my” name on the forums, i can’t refer to myself as such? it’s the same as referring to Politricks as “you.”</p>

<p>notice how i said


<p>congratulations on having the deductive and analytical skills of a goldfish</p>



<p>ambiguous statement. if you’re going to chastise me for my writing, at least make sure yours is better. unless of course, you are also typing without the sake for genuinely learning – which also makes you unqualified to make your first statement of your reply. you see, nothing is “deluding” me. the tool is called wit/sarcasm/satire etc. i’m not referring to you, by the way. i’m referring to politricks. i think you meant elude.</p>


not really. even though this won’t really prove much, i’m set on UCSD whereas laker wants Berkeley/LA. i also don’t laugh like a maniacal fool with the “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” crap that he spouts</p>



<p>don’t ask questions that have already been answered in the thread. it’s fine if we’re on page 50 and the answer is on page 10, but most of these answers are recent. if only people could take the time to read.</p>


quite sober.</p>

<p>So, while the Wolfman tries to save face, good luck to all of you still waiting for you decision from UCSD :D</p>



<p>Politricks: are you one of those ignorant fools who doesn’t know when he has lost an argument? oh – never mind. you just answered my question. those are the best. deluded by thoughts of pseudo-intelligence granted in the form of prolonged exposure to weak competition.</p>

<p>However, yes, good luck to everyone is still waiting; remember, the answers to your questions will most likely have already been answered in previous pages. i.e aventeur.</p>

<p><a href=“http://api.ning.com/files/TAQisU8LBDTC4tC2heaDQOeZS-Rrz2YNGCp-ALFZ1sJzULMurkS8G5BTohOglWuUPCEePfSXGLMBkHkrH2gmH7CuAYuO65-A/arguingontheinternet.jpg[/url]”>http://api.ning.com/files/TAQisU8LBDTC4tC2heaDQOeZS-Rrz2YNGCp-ALFZ1sJzULMurkS8G5BTohOglWuUPCEePfSXGLMBkHkrH2gmH7CuAYuO65-A/arguingontheinternet.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>i’d like to see him at SD so i can kick his ass academically and physically. join the koala and ridicule him in print.</p>

<p>lol 10char</p>

<p>Sooo… I was messing around with the ucsd decisions site when I came across Degree Audit under tools. I clicked Submit to Virtual Advisor and this message popped up:</p>

<p>The Virtual Advising Center Shows that you are an incoming student that has either not enrolled in courses or paid fees yet. You should use the UCSD Undergraduate College Orientation system <a href=“http://newstudent.ucsd.edu%5B/url%5D”>http://newstudent.ucsd.edu</a> to ask your questions to an advisor. You can do this through the E-advising section on the Enrollment tab. If you are unable to enter the Orientation System you should contact your Undergraduate College.</p>

<p>Think it means anything or is it the same for everyone? Hahaha this wait is making me loco.</p>

<p>nada where is the degree audit section?</p>

<p>nvm found it. I got the same message you did. I doubt it means anything.</p>