UCSD Chancellors v. UCB Spring

<p>UCSD is offering $5000 a year, guaranteed four year housing, and first choice in classes, while basically nothing is guaranteed for me at Berkeley. I am majoring in biology, (Human Bio. at UCSD versus MCB at Berkeley) and may enter grad school if I stick with the major. Undergrad school does not make nearly as much difference as the grad school I get into so Berkeley’s prestige is basically useless to me then. Also, it seems that every MCB major is Pre-med and extremely competitive and goal oriented. I just want to learn a lot. Some of my friends in MCB, who used to be such optimistic people seem sad and stressed, while others love their major. Getting Berkeley Spring Admissions really discourages me.</p>

<p>So… this should be an easy choice right? </p>

<p>Unfortunately, the plane ticket and taxi to the airport, in order to go home for the year, will basically equal $5000 and UCSD is about 8 hours away by car. I’m worried that I’ll feel homesick, which is very likely, as I felt miserable the last time I left home for two months in the summer. Meanwhiles, UCB is only a tram ride away and my parents can meet me at Davis, which is less than 30 minutes car ride from home.</p>

<p>My other main concern is the fact that if I decide that biology is not right for me, I will have less choices of highly ranked majors to switch into at UCSD, except for economics and political sciences. Berkeley is better for four year degrees. If I decide not to do Biology and not to a grad school, I still have the Berkeley name. (Prestige isn’t everything, but may help in the very first job I get.) I’m very uncertain right now about majors… a humanities or english type major could be a possibility for me as they are my greatest strengths in high school. </p>

<p>My parents are very supportive of whatever decision I make though I think my dad wants me to go to UCSD for money issues and my mom wants me to go to UCB so that I can come home more. I have visted both campuses. Attmosphere-wise, I like the urban feel of Berkeley much better, but I do not have extremely strong feelings of like or dislike towards any campus. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>

<p>I'd say choose berkeley, since it has so much more to offer you than ucsd. however, if you know that you are going to major in anything science related ucsd might be a better choice especially since the part of the chancellor's scholarship is the faculty mentor program, which would help with grad school. </p>

<p>I turned down ucsd with chancellor's scholarship to go to Davis, even though it's actually costing more money because i like it better than ucsd. Don't just base your decision on prestige, since you want to end up enjoying your college years, not hating them.</p>

<p>I think that once I make my decision, I will be okay and not regret anything since I do not particularly like one campus much more than the other. It's just the decision-making that is killing me. :(</p>

<p>i was in the same position as you. it was either ucsd or ucb spring. today i made my final decision and chose UCSD. i thinks theres much more than just prestige. and plus its just undergrad. go to the place where you think you'll be happy and then make the best of it.</p>