UCSD Pre-Medical Program

<p>Hello, I am a senior in high school and got accepted to the Revelle COllege at UCSD for neuroscience and physiology. I have been hearing a lot lately that UCSD has a very good pre med program. i was wondering if anyone such as former undergrads, med students, etc has any advice for an incoming pre med student that include:</p>

<p>-Should I take any summer school classes to get a head start?
-Should I switch my major to another one in the Biological Sciences that may be less difficult/more interesting?
-Do I have a better chance of getting accepted to the UCSD med school if I went there for undergrad? Same question for acceptances to other UC’s such as UCLA or UCF.
-What other activities should I take part in to increase my chances of getting into med school?
-Does UCSD have a better pre-med program than the other UC’s because I also got accepted to UCD, UCI, and UCB?
-Is UCSD a good school in general?</p>

<p>I am a very devoted student and would love to become a doctor one day, so I am willingly to try very hard.</p>

<p>I would be appreciative if anyone could answer any of my questions. </p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Just a parent here, and the answer to your questions are standard:</p>

<p>1) You can, but med schools prefer to see a full, regular load during the year. Thus, they don't want you to take the sciences over the summer or take GE's over the summer so you can have a lighter load Sept - June. But, if you want to participate in study abroad or explore another non-science passion, summer session is a great opportunity to do that.</p>

<p>2) Med schools don't care about major. Just grades and test scores, primarily.</p>

<p>3) UCs don't care, so in general, no.</p>

<p>4) Research in the health field can help, but A's and a great MCAT is 80-90% of the game.</p>

<p>5) No. Any top 50 college will prepare you well for med school and the MCAT. While SD may have more opportunities to participate in research, it also has more students who are premed (or bio eng) applying for those research slots. In general, Cal will be the most competitive for grades, with Irvine least competitive. But that being said, you'll do best where you'll have the most fun and enjoy your four years.</p>

<p>6) Yes.</p>