Ucsd Transfers What Is Revelle? Eleanor?

<p>i was just wondering everyone who is attempting to transfer to UCSD what the hell is the deal with Eleanor Roosevelt College, Revelle, Earl Warren, Thurgood, Muir? what is all this? i dont really grasp what it all has to when reagarding a transfer! thanks for clarification...</p>

<p>The residential colleges are just "houses" you would like to be in. In a modern analogy, think Harry Potter, just instead of the sorting hat choosing, you get to. They only differ by location on campus, places of residence and different educationl courses needed. </p>

<p>In terms of difficulty, I've heard the ranking is somewhat like this:
(1 being most difficult and 6 being least difficult)
1) Revelle
2) Eleanor Roosevelt College
3) Thurgood
4) Sixth
5) John Muir
6) Warren</p>

<p>Seems like I'm in John Muir, I have not received an official UCSD notification but I received an e-mail from John Muir.</p>



<p>i'm not a UCSD applicant/transfer, but according to my friends who have been accepted there, they are the different colleges that make up UCSD. When you apply, you choose colleges for first, second, and third-choice. I think that there aren't any differences in academic quality of each college, but I could be wrong.</p>