I’m so weak lmao ok @brownparent you don’t know shit about me so your input is worthless bye I am open to learning from people who actually know what they’re talking about…so clearly not you or her
It is not just funny money to me I have enough money in my college savings account to cover either school…
Nah her advice was trash and condescending
“Now, let’s address social life. First of all, you shouldn’t put yourself in life-crushing, dream-crushing debt because you want to surf and go to some water polo games. I know that it sounds harsh boiled down to that - but that is essentially what you are saying.”
Tell me that tone is not condescending and presumptuous. I never stated that I want debt so I can “surf and play water polo games” and she’s trying to lecture me about New York social life when she’s lived in New York for 6 years whereas I’ve lived here for 17 years and was born and raised in New York. You’re being condescending based on a difference in age because younger people automatically have no capacity to think properly and are so below you right? Okay brown parent
I’ve committed to Ucsd as an economics major and will double minor in film studies and physics debt free since I have 529 thanks yall
@crazyburrito11, you wrote that: “My biggest and possibly only roadblock right now is $$$. With the career I wish to pursue, I will not be able to handle that kind of debt. I genuinely believe I would be happiest at UCSD, but I know I can’t undermine the massive burden of loan debt. A lot of people regret the debt, and I don’t wanna make the same mistake.”
Most of the feedback that you got was based around the question of whether UCSD was worth the debt, v NYU Tisch (which, to be fair, you did apply to, so at one point you thought it was a good plan for you).
Now you are saying “I have enough money in my college savings account to cover either school…” and “I’ve committed to Ucsd as an economics major and will double minor in film studies and physics debt free since I have 529 thanks yall”.
That is a very, very different story. I am very sure that you had asked the question: “$$ is not an issue, so should I choose UCSD or NYU” the responses would have been quite different as well.
schizophrenia? Suddenly you have enough 529 money that you don’t have concerns about debt? What do you project your total debt (subsidized and not) to be at the end of hopefully only four years. Specifics might get you good advice from experts with your best interests at heart. You need to be honest with yourself and consistent with your information if you want good advice. Stop biting the hands that are trying to help you, too.