UCSD vs USC vs Tufts/Vanderbilt for Economics/Political Science/IR

Good point. Thanks for pointing it out.

Yes. Indeed, we have had questions about ‘fun’ outside of class at UCSD. But some of the responses on this forum and other reviews online have been comforting. Thanks for your response.

On the enrichment, I need to check if UCSD offers it.

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Good point. I will ask my son to look into it. In general, his interests are in Qualitative rather than Quantitative side of Economics.

I would second this . Econ grad school math requirements are very high. You wouldn’t be at a disadvantage if you are a math major vs an Econ major — math is that important. And there is no question of doing qualitative economics in grad school. Such a thing has not existed for at least 2-3 decades I would think.

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