UH Honors vs UT Cap

I applied to UT and UH. I was capped for UT and would go to Tyler if I did go and I have the chance to do honors for UH. Which would be better. UT vs UH well UT is a no brainer… But with the honors program how much better is UH. Basically should I do UH honors or UT cap. I’m a Poli sci major… Haven’t decided if I’ll minor in Philosophy or education yet.

Why would UT be a no brainer?

Wouldn’t you like to start at a school and have a four year experience?

Why do you think a person with a poli sci degree from UT would do any better than a poli sci student from UH or Oklahoma or Louisiana Tech?

If it were me, I’d want to have a four year experience. You can look at what Honors at UH offers.

But kids every day choose lower rated schools and do well. Most large publics will have opportunities for you beyond your wildest imagination - but only if you take advantage.

And that requires drive and determination by you - no college can make up for that.

To me, I’d choose UH - but I’m not you. My daughter chose the 16th of 17th schools she got into rank wise - and is having a phenomenal academic experience. She chose the right school for her - and you should do that too - whichever it is.

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