<p>I recently applied to University of Illinois at Chicago and when I checked my application status online it said "Decision: Deferred until final review". What does this mean? Do I still have a chance to get in? How long will it take for a final review? I tried calling the Office of Admissions but they weren't very helpful. Please please respond if you can helppp!I'm freaking out.</p>
<p>UIC has alot to do with UIUC since they are both University of Illinois schools and use similar types application status descriptions. Also, UIC didn’t have its own forum.</p>
<p>No, I didn’t try transferring from UIC to UIUC. Clearly, I would have stated that. And deferred does NOT mean you will not got in, which is posted right on UIUC website. </p>
<p>Also don’t worry if I post the same question in every forum, I’m just trying to get answers. If it bothers you, just pretend its not there :)</p>
<p>First, quit trying to act like you knowing something when you know nothing. They are similar schools? Yeah, perhaps in your dreams. One is a commuter school and one is not. That is just to get us started on all differences. A lot of schools(oh, I do not know, maybe around 95% of schools) use similar descriptions for admissions, you could have tried the Harvard forum also.</p>
<p>I never said it does not mean you did not get in or will not get in. I said C-H-A-N-C-E-S.</p>
<p>Also, perhaps you should learn how to post. If we wanted all the same topics in every forum we wouldn’t have all the sub forums. Obviously logic and basic reasoning are not your strong points. Have a nice day…</p>
<p>One is a commuter school and one is not? Thats your big difference? THATS how you school me on the differences between one University of Illinois school and another? Ouch. Even I could do better at listing the differences between the two. Come on. I know you have better. I want to know the good stuff. Show me that creepy little list of statistics and percentages you have in your back pocket at all times just in case anyone tries to compare UIC to UIUC. </p>
<p>Yeah, I got deferred too…but I applied to Urbana. I made a thread asking for my chances with the final review & someone said they actually take a good amount? I don’t know.</p>
<p>Yeah I’ve heard that they take alot of deferred students also but that it varies from year to year. I guess we’ll just have to hope for the best and wait. Good Luck!</p>
<p>I wouldn’t diss UIC that quickly, they have one of the best schools to go for Pre-Pharm making it an outstanding stepping stone to get into Pharm School. UIC and U of I are both schools under the University of Illinois (there’s a U of I in Springfield) with Champaign-Urbana being the flagship school. UIC is more for people who couldn’t afford to go to Champaign (Like $6000 per year, compared to roughly $15,000 per year in tuition in champaign) or didn’t quite have the grades to get into the flagship school, but some attend there for Pre-Pharm since it has an outstanding program there. It is located on the outskirts of downtown Chicago so many commute, but many also room there. UIC is not up to the level of UIUC, but I think it gets bashed more than it should.</p>
<p>UIC is a great school for pre-med, pre-pharm, pre-dent etc. The GPPA program at UIC is amazing and draws kids away from UIUC. Also it is the 2nd best ranked public school after UIUC in Illinois. UIC is also higher ranked and gets more research than Loyola or IIT. </p>
<p>So get your facts straight. </p>
<p>The costs for UIC(19k) and UIUC(20k) are about the same, UIC has lower tuition but higher housing. And UIC is NOT located on the outskirts of the city. It s located right next to the loop IN the City. You can see the lake from the dorms. </p>
<p>And a commuter school does not equal a bad school. Many urban schools have a large number of commuting students, whethers its Northwestern, NYU or UIC. A lot of UIC students live in near by appartments.</p>
<p>UIC and UIUC are quite smiler, except for the ranking you get the same quality of education with great professors. Besides the UIUC job fairs are open to ALL U of I students including the Chicago campus!</p>
<p>Not necessarily. The upcoming engineering career fair is only open to UIUC students. Also, last time I visited the career fair, employers DID differentiate the two schools (one employer even specifically asked whether one was UIUC student or not).</p>
<p>Storm9, I do not think I ever said UIC was not a good school for anything or defamed it in anyway. Talk about defending something that has not even been insulted even by insinuation. I am just stating the schools are not the same because they both have University of Illinois in their name like the op makes it sound. She then goes on to proceed as if she is the god of everything and claims she can post wherever the hell she wants to spam. Not my fault I did not deliver a box of chocolates to that attitude. So no, I do not need to get my facts straight since you assumed so many things out of your own accord. It is like me saying “Hello” in a tired voice in the morning and you being the girl who thought I hated her for not being upbeat and charming.</p>
<p>As for the OP, I guess I can fulfill your request: <em>insert the profanity you wish to hear from me here</em></p>
<p>Have a nice day this time.</p>
<p>P.S.- I am sorry for not inserting the profanities earlier. Everyone is out to pick a fight with you. It is not just your paranoia running in your head or your insecurity.</p>
<p>“And UIC is NOT located on the outskirts of the city. It s located right next to the loop IN the City. You can see the lake from the dorms.”</p>
<p>I never said it was on the outskirts of the city, I said “It is located on the outskirts of downtown Chicago.” I and my dad who’s lived in Chicago for almost 50 years consider downtown Chicago to be past the fork to the entrance to the I-90W and the Dan Ryan on the 290E (I.E. Michigan Ave, State Street, etc.) and the exit to UIC is before that fork.</p>
<p>I have been to UIC for summer session, and have friends who go there. While the new dorms are quite nice, it’s still a real commuter school from what I’ve heard. Even if 5000 people live on campus, that’s only a third of the undergrads. The social life is admittedly weak and people go 20 different ways after classes. the campus is eerily quiet after 4 pm.</p>
<p>as for the other bashing, i’m an urbana student, and i thought the uic classes were just as challenging as the ones downstate. UIC’s lack of +/- grading system actually made it harder, since i didn’t want to be borderline.</p>