UIUC Class of 2026 Waitlist

yes, we did.

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yes me too, it asked for you to click yes or no on a link right?

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Anyone know the chances of getting into UIUC’s waitlist for economics and the liberal arts college.

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Does anyone know how to find out my AO’s contact information? I looked around and could only find the general admissions email, none specific. thanks!

UIUC keeps a pretty tight kid on that. Have you asked your HS GC? Did a UIUC rep come to your HS this past year? You could call admissions and ask, but they probably won’t say, for what reason do you want to contact them?

I want to write a loci and it will be better if I can write to ao directly .

UIUC states they do not accept additional info for waitlisted students…best to follow directions and NOT send one. This is one of the reasons they don’t publicize individual AO names and emails. My answer would be different if you had prior contact with your AO. Wait-List FAQ, Undergraduate Admissions, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Any UIUC waitlist movement?

Did you except UIUC waitlist?

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I got waitlisted for Electrical Engineering and I haven’t heard of any movement yet.

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I heard that people are getting off the waitlist.


Are they accepting of the waitlist by major?



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How long do you have to accept/decline the waitlist offer once it is offered?

When I got into Virginia Tech off the waitlist they gave me 5 days to make a decision. I’m not sure if this is the same for the University of Illinois tho.

Does anyone know anyone who’s gotten off yet

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I have no idea if anyone has been let off the waitlist yet. All I have heard of is UIUC telling people if their major has already been filled up.


Any news?

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I have not heard of anything yet. I would think they will release decisions soon.