<p>UIUC is top notch in ChemE and Accounting.</p>
<p>Beware that if you decide to do accounting/business, UCLA has no formal business school and UCB Haas is incredibly competitve to get into since your not even in the university.</p>
<p>UIUC is definately better than UCLA and USC for ChemEng.</p>
<p>Ask yourself why you want to go to college in the US ... and then ask yourself why you are willing to give up two years of college experience.</p>
<p>can life in santa monica college/LA ever be as exciting as freshmen life on campus at illinois?</p>
<p>I didn’t know UiUC is top in Chem E, its great school no doubt.
4th is Accounting (as of USNEWs 2008)</p>
<p>according to USNEWs report 2008. its
- Caltech
- Minnesota-twin Cities
4 UC-berkeley
5 Wisconsin - Stanford
- Princeton
- texas-Austin
9 UC-Santa Barbara
10 Delaware
10 UiUC</p>
<p>life in college like SMC can be lot fo fun what…
easy classes, go drink party and be merry!
how many international students actually joint Fraternities and Sororities to experience life like the PIE?</p>