UK student coming to Alabama

<p>Hi - my daughter will be coming to Alabama for a year as part of her American studies course in 2011/12. I would really appreciate any advice. Apparently there is no accommodation available on campus - any suggestions on areas to look at / avoid off campus?</p>


<p>Should we assume that she won’t have a car?</p>

<p>The Bluff and The Retreat are very nice and the Crimson Ride bus does have a stop at both places.</p>

<p>There are also some apts by the stadium and Publix grocery store that are within easy walking distance.</p>

<p>Also try this…</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Let us know if we can help you in any other way. :)</p>

<p>Will your D be a freshmen or junior or ???</p>

<p>Hi - thanks for your responses! I’ll have a look at your suggestions. I think she will be a ‘junior’ - I’m not quite sure of the terminology over there- she would be going into her 3rd year of undergarduate studies over here.</p>

<p>Ukmums: Hello and Welcome to both you and your daughter!! She will love it at Bama.</p>

<p>My son has met and made friends with many international students on campus. If he can be of any assistance, please let me know. Are you sure that there will be no “on campus” housing options? I would pursue that with housing just to make sure.</p>

<p>Hi, can you tell me is that really there is not campus housing in UA?</p>

<p>I know the year started with the dorms full - at least the honors housing, but surely there are some rooms available for spring semester? In D’s Riverside North suite they are down one roomie who decided to move off campus. No one has shown up yet so as far as we know it is empty.</p>

<p>But I’m guessing UKMums D will be coming in the fall. . .</p>


<p>Bama has on campus housing for about 7500 students. But, since freshmen must live on campus, students who transfer into Bama cannot have on campus housing.</p>

<p>UKmum’s D is coming to Bama in the fall as a junior, hence no on campus housing available for her.</p>

<p>I know that some international students do get on-campus housing, usually in Rose Towers or Ridgecrest East and not all of them are freshmen, so it depends on the program.</p>


<p>Did these int’l students originally come to campus as freshmen? I realize that they may not be freshmen now, but were they frosh when they first arrived?</p>

<p>Also…when it’s time for school to open, if there are openings in various dorms, Bama has let transfer students take those spots.</p>

<p>mom2ck: I will check with my son but he also has met international students in housing and I don’t think they were freshman.</p>

<p>I need to clarify… :)</p>

<p>My question isn’t whether they are freshmen now.</p>

<p>My question is…Were these int’l students freshmen when they FIRST CAME to Bama. </p>

<p>If these int’l students came to Bama as freshmen, then it’s totally expected that they would be in Bama housing in their later years. </p>

<p>However, if they just arrived at Bama THIS YEAR and they aren’t freshmen, then there must have been a way that they got housing.</p>

<p>AFAIK, the international students I’ve known were only at UA for a semester or a year and were not considered freshmen.</p>


<p>Good to know.</p>

<p>I wonder if these kids are able to “fill in” last minute openings in various dorms? I know that my son had an “empty beds” in one of his suites from a student whose parents didn’t let him return because of grades. </p>

<p>From what I’ve read, the standard “policy” is that on campus housing isn’t available for transfer students…however, if school is about to start and there are openings, I can’t imagine that the school would want to pass up the opportunity to fill those beds and collect money.</p>

<p>Or, maybe some int’l students do have some kind of arrangements. What happens when Bama students do a study abroad? Is their on campus bed given to someone else that semester? Anyone know?</p>

<p>“UK student coming in Alabama”
Hmmm…and here I thought it was a University of Kentucky student transferring!</p>


<p>I’m assuming UK stands for United Kingdom since the mother calls herself “mum”.</p>



<p>That may be the case after last night’s handling of the Wildcats by the Tide. :)</p>

<p>It may be temporary, but you’ve gotta love it that our “football school” has the best SEC record in basketball at the moment. “People doubted us as a team and we’re showing them that we can play anybody and we’re a legitimate team,” said JaMychal Green, who had 18 points and 11 rebounds.</p>

<p>Green’s remarks apply equally well to the academic side of the UA mission. It’s not wise to underestimate Bama. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>P.S. A 2-minute video highlight clip of the upset can be found at: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yes!! We beat Turncoat Cal!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Here are some sources to help find a apartment…</p>

<p>UA Housing & Residential Communities
look for off campus info…</p>

<p>I used the Tuscaloosa Apt. Guide quite a bit this fall looking for a place for my D.
I think it is a good starting place!</p>

<p>Also check the UA student newspaper The Crimson White. They often have subleases or
1 or 2 bedrooms available near campus.</p>

<p>When will your D be arriving at UA? And how many semesters will she be here?</p>

<p>Hi - have not logged back in for a while - yes UK as in United Kingdom!! I need to get used to all this shorthand! Thanks for all your suggestions so far. My D will be there for the whole year 2011-2012. I cannot really pursue any options until she has her final confirmation letters but will be back for more advice then!</p>