<p>I'm curious as to what the perceived reputations of schools in the UK are, namely schools such as University College London, London School of Economics, King's College London, University of Nottingham and Durham University. Although I'm not expecting too many people to be familiar with Nottingham or Durham. My question is this though, in terms of academic reputation what would you compare them with in terms of US equivalencies? For example, Oxford and Cambridge are comparable for HYPSM. What are UCL, KCL, LSE Nottingham and Durham comparable in terms of academic and reputation alone?</p>
<p>That’s a rather hard thing to compare, but let me try it. For undergrad reputation:</p>
<p>Cambridge, Oxford = HYPSM
LSE, Imperial = lower Ivies, Chicago, Northwestern, Berkeley
UCL, Warwick = NYU, Georgetown and the like</p>
<p>St Andrews, Durham, Bristol, Edinburgh
Bath, Exeter, York, Notts, King’s, Manchester</p>
<p>St Andrews through Manchester being roughly equivalent to what?</p>
<p>Again this is hard because I am not a believer of US News ranking. I thought some schools that landed in the top 20 on US News don’t deserve to be there in the first place. For example, schools like Emory, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, Washington UStL, are not 20ish materials… So, my comparison might come out a little skewed if you don’t understand my basis…</p>
<p>St Andrews = Notre Dame, Washington UStL, Vanderbilt, Georgetown to top 60 (based on US News ranking)</p>
<p>Manchester = Wake Forest, Boston, Brandies, Lehigh, UCSD…</p>
<p>Which do you believe to be 20ish material?</p>