UM and Haiti Relief

<p>I know a lot of CC posters will link to just about every one of their "favorite" universities' press releases. I try to avoid this myself unless the link will help answer another posters answer. However, I belive the links below shed some light on just what UMiami is about. </p>

<p>University</a> of Miami Haiti Relief</p>

<p>Indeed, though not mentioned in the link above, Dr. Green has been instrumental in bringing to light recent difficulties in the relief effort...</p>

<p>Charges</a> fly over grounded airlifts - South Florida -</p>

<p>Some universities talk about leadership...others demonstrate it</p>

<p>Thanks for this post BaghDAD. I have been so proud of the University of Miami while watching the earthquake coverage as I have seen the University’s efforts and hospitals mentioned so many times. Here is a snippet from one of the links:</p>

<p>UM Reaches Out</p>

<p>UM has an established presence in Haiti’s Central Plateau, operating Project Medishare and its community health project as well as a family medicine training program for Haitian physicians in the city of Cap-Haitien. The Miller School of Medicine has mobilized those resources in Haiti to provide immediate assistance to the quake victims. A UM medical team in Haiti led by Dr. Barth Green Is working around the clock to save lives, while University faculty physicians in Miami are treating patients evacuated from the nation.</p>

<p>Here’s another to be proud of…</p>

<p>[Instant</a> hospital: UM clinic opens - Haiti -](<a href=“]Instant”></p>

<p>1.22.10: Touted as the largest functioning hospital in Haiti, the University of Miami’s Miller School of Medicine opened its expanded facility Thursday night at the airport here, with 26,000 square feet and 250 beds under air conditioning.</p>

<p>This is fantastic! I had a Haitian roommate one summer while at UM. So glad the school is helping these people in need. As a Hurricane Katrina survivor, I can tell you, even the simplest things are so much appreciated during this time. Keep up the good work!</p>