UM Dual Enrollment credits

<p>For an intended pre-med major, would UM accept dual enrollment credits from another college for pre-med required science courses (CHM1045, ect.)? </p>

<p>Also, what is the maximum amount of credits (AP, dual enrollment, ect.) combined that UM would accept for an incoming freshmen? Is it possible to come into the university with junior standing? </p>


<p>Max is 60:</p>

<p>“To have college-level work completed during your high school years evaluated for UM credit, submit official transcripts for dual enrollment courses to the Office of Admission. A minium grade of “C” is required for consideration of all dual enrollment courses, and no more than 60 credits may be accepted from these programs.”</p>

<p>But I wouldn’t recommend it. From what I here, dual enrollment courses really don’t give you what true college courses give you. I know that my AP courses were easier than the college courses I took last summer.</p>

<p>As far as the pre-med requirements, I don’t think the University of Miami actually has requirements. They’re choice instructions include this under Premedical studies as recommendations:</p>

<pre><code> Biology 150/151 and 160/161
General Chemistry 111/113 and 112/114
College Physics 101/106 and 102/108
or University Physics 205, 206/208, 207/209

<p>But I think that’s just what all Med schools require. As such, I’d check with the Med schools you are most interested in and see what they accept. Most, as far as I’ve checked, will give you one semester of credit for an english credit, but won’t accept anything else. But your choice universities may be different. The exception is if you use the AP exam to fulfil a requirement and move on to a more advanced course in the same area. For example, use your credit to skip Bio 150/151 and Bio 160/161, and instead take (just nonexistant examples) Bio 170/171 and Bio 180/181.</p>

<p>But I think that you should probably just talk with your advisor about this in the fall. They’ll know for sure.</p>

<p>I look forward to meeting you in the fall!

<p>Yes, max credits is 60. Check out the info here.
[AP/IB/CLEP</a> Credit Equivalencies | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,29532-1;36206-2;40339-2,00.html]AP/IB/CLEP”>,1770,29532-1;36206-2;40339-2,00.html)
[AP</a> Credit Equivalencies | University of Miami](<a href=“,1770,29532-1;36206-2;40339-2;40287-3,00.html]AP”>,1770,29532-1;36206-2;40339-2;40287-3,00.html)</p>

<p>Some of my friends who were pre-med and passed the AP Science exams took the Intro courses again in college and found them to be much more comprehensive than the AP equivalent. Just be sure that the Dual Enrollment course prepared you as well as a college course taught by college faculty that includes an extensive college level lab in order to be ready for the next course and be sufficient preparation for the MCAT.</p>