UM Fall Transfer 2018

Currently, a sophomore attending SBU in NY. I’ll be applying as a junior. I want to get into Business college.

Ethnicity: Caucasian (international student from Turkey).

Major: Business Administration concentrating in Finance

College GPA: 3.78

HS GPA: 3.9ish

SAT: Never took it. Also, not required.

TOEFL: I am exempt. Graduated high school in the USA, sixth year in the USA.

LoR: I can get one from a business prof or dean of international admissions. Not sure if I should take it.

Essays: I think essays are my weakest points.

College ECs:

  • Member of Turkish-American Association
  • Member of Investment Club
  • Member of Honor Society Club
  • Have done some interns in Turkey
  • Working part-time on campus

High School EC/Awards (not all, just ones I’m including)

  • Couple community works
  • Done abroad community work
  • Some clubs in HS

Any advice or suggestion will be appreciated. GL all.