UM is asking me to choose a new major?!! help

<p>I applied for spring of '10 for international business and I am currently taking stat and calc for fall of '09 at another college. They told me I'm not eligible to go to the BA campus. They also said business calc will not satisfy and I need a 3.0 cumulative. I have or will have everything completed and I have a 3.55 now. Anyone please help!</p>


<p>Is it admissions who told you this or someone from the SBA? Are you trying IFM as a BS or a BBA?</p>

<p>Yes someone from admissions. I talked to them and they are forwarding my current classes to the school to see if they will transfer over to their credits. Otherwise it will depend on my final grade before they review my application. This should be a warning to all. I do think the class will be accepted but if not I’ll have to wait to Dec. 15th before they even look at my app and I’m guessing if I don’t get an A I won’t be in.</p>

<p>Update: They didn’t accept my calc class so now I am going for international studies.</p>