UM or UCF?

<p>I'm down to these two schools, I was really close to choosing Miami last week but financially it puts a huge drain on my family and I'd have to pay for grad school myself. So basically, help me choose. Here's a little bit about me:</p>

<li><p>Born and raised in NYC, spent the last few years in Miami and I really like it. I'm a big city guy. I live in North Miami now, would I like Coral Gables?</p></li>
<li><p>I like to party, but not too much. I'm fine with drinking, I just don't wanna get plastered every single weekend. I'm more of a chill party type of person, like house parties. I don't really like raves or clubs, they're too loud. Would I enjoy UM?</p></li>
<li><p>I got a 1290 on the SAT, had a 3.9 GPA junior year and a 4.4 GPA first semester senior year at a very competitive high school, I didn't do too well at the beginning of my high school career because of family problems. I want to be challenged and be interested, but still be able to do really well (as in 3.7+) so I can get into an elite grad school or transfer if I choose to. With UM getting more and more competitive recently I'm a bit worried that I'd really have to work my ass off to do well, is this the case?</p></li>
<li><p>I want to study something in business, I'm leaning towards marketing but I'm not 100% sure. I know Miami has a really good business school, does UCF?</p></li>
<li><p>A big part of college to me is meeting interesting people. Will this happen at UM? What is the general crowd like?</p></li>
<li><p>How hard is it to get the classes you want? I'm worried that at a school with 56,000 students it'd be nearly impossible, whereas at Miami I'd have an easier time getting the classes I want. </p></li>
<li><p>I want to live on campus freshman year at least, and I've heard housing is limited at UCF. Is it at UM? Or am I guaranteed housing freshman year? </p></li>
<li><p>I want to go to grad school. I'm unsure of what kind yet, but I know to be a competitive job applicant nowadays having a graduate degree is very important. If I go to UM, I'd be paying for it myself, which would put in a ton of debt. If I go to UCF I'd finish grad school without debt. How big of a factor should this be in my decision?</p></li>
<li><p>Overall, I'm looking for a chill atmosphere, somewhere that I can have fun but not party 24/7, somewhere I can do well and be challenged, and most importantly enjoy myself. Is UM right for me?</p></li>

<p>bump, I’d sort of like some responses.</p>

<p>My answers are in caps.</p>

<li><p>Born and raised in NYC, spent the last few years in Miami and I really like it. I’m a big city guy. I live in North Miami now, would I like Coral Gables? I’D IMAGINE SO.</p></li>
<li><p>I like to party, but not too much. I’m fine with drinking, I just don’t wanna get plastered every single weekend. I’m more of a chill party type of person, like house parties. I don’t really like raves or clubs, they’re too loud. Would I enjoy UM? PROBABLY. THOUGH UCF DOES SEEM TO FIT YOUR INTERESTS BETTER IN THIS REGARD.</p></li>
<li><p>I got a 1290 on the SAT, had a 3.9 GPA junior year and a 4.4 GPA first semester senior year at a very competitive high school, I didn’t do too well at the beginning of my high school career because of family problems. I want to be challenged and be interested, but still be able to do really well (as in 3.7+) so I can get into an elite grad school or transfer if I choose to. With UM getting more and more competitive recently I’m a bit worried that I’d really have to work my ass off to do well, is this the case? IT DEPENDS UPON YOUR MAJOR. IF YOU’RE MAJORING IN SOME SORT OF DIFFICULT SCIENCE, PROBABLY. IF YOU’RE MAJORING IN PHILOSOPHY, PROBABLY NOT.</p></li>
<li><p>I want to study something in business, I’m leaning towards marketing but I’m not 100% sure. I know Miami has a really good business school, does UCF? UCF HAS A BUSINESS SCHOOL?</p></li>
<li><p>A big part of college to me is meeting interesting people. Will this happen at UM? What is the general crowd like? WE ARE THE #1 SCHOOL IN THE COUNTRY FOR CULTURE CLASS INTERACTION. WE HAVE ALL TYPES. WHATEVER YOU WANT, YOU WILL FIND IT HERE.</p></li>
<li><p>How hard is it to get the classes you want? I’m worried that at a school with 56,000 students it’d be nearly impossible, whereas at Miami I’d have an easier time getting the classes I want. TYPICALLY PREREQS COINCIDE WITH THE TIME OF REGISTRATION, SO YOU PROBABLY WON’T HAVE TOO MUCH TROUBLE GETTING INTO CLASSES YOU WANT TO TAKE UNLESS YOU WAIT UNTIL A WEEK AFTER YOUR REGISTRATION APPT. TIME TO TRY TO REGISTER. YOU CAN ALSO GET OVERRIDES IF, FOR EXAMPLE, YOU REALLY NEED A CLASS FOR GRADUATION.</p></li>
<li><p>I want to live on campus freshman year at least, and I’ve heard housing is limited at UCF. Is it at UM? Or am I guaranteed housing freshman year? ON CAMPUS HOUSING IS GUARANTEED (AND REQUIRED, IN MOST CASES) FOR FRESHMAN, AND GENERALLY AVAILABLE TO OTHERS, AT UM.</p></li>
<li><p>I want to go to grad school. I’m unsure of what kind yet, but I know to be a competitive job applicant nowadays having a graduate degree is very important. If I go to UM, I’d be paying for it myself, which would put in a ton of debt. If I go to UCF I’d finish grad school without debt. How big of a factor should this be in my decision? IF YOU GO TO UM YOU’D PROBABLY BE MORE LIKELY TO GET IN TO A GOOD GRAD SCHOOL. BUT YOU WOULD, OF COURSE, HAVE MORE DEBT. THIS ALL DEPENDS UPON HOW MUCH YOU VALUE YOUR MONETARY INDEPENDENCE.</p></li>
<li><p>Overall, I’m looking for a chill atmosphere, somewhere that I can have fun but not party 24/7, somewhere I can do well and be challenged, and most importantly enjoy myself. Is UM right for me? WELL, I ENJOY IT HERE :)</p></li>

<p>very helpful thanks.</p>