UM Ross vs. UCB Haas

<p>I've browsed this board for quite sometime, and i've finally decided to post a questions. What's the differnece in terms of prestige, competition, preparation, etc. Basically, what are the strong points of Ross over Haas, and how hard (academically and competitively) is Ross in general.</p>

<p>I'd say they are equal for the most part. If you are interested in Finance, Management or Marketing, go for Ross. On the other hand, if you are interested in working in the startup or tech fields, go for Haas. If you would rather live in the East Coast or the Midwest (Boston, Chicago, DC, New York etc...), you areprobably best served going to Ross. If you wish to live in the West Coast (LA, San Francisco, Seattle etc...), go for Haas.</p>

<p>go to cal, closer to sf, you'll love it there, be around your people.</p>