<p>I mailed the 800 dollar deposit and the post office guaranteed that it would get to NYU by the 31st, the day before the deadline, and NYU still hasn't sent me that supposed notification email or letter telling me that they received the payment. I keep on having nightmares that it's because they realized I wasn't supposed to get accepted so they're trying to cut off all contact with me. </p>
i dunno if it applies to just international students, but the lady who emailed me back about the deposits said they just want everything ‘as soon as possible’. I think they are more lenient on ED students.</p>
<p>but then again, it is kinda late.
have you contacted them in any way?</p>
<p>We did not hear either and so just called them and it was fine. They had said they were sending out letters but we never got one. So just call . . . .</p>
<p>If it was a check see if it cleared. Ours cleared Jan 12th and we never got a letter. They are known for not cashing stuff for ages; after my experience this past summer I learned just to go with the flow.</p>