UMass Amherst Class of 2020 Decision Thread

After 3 calls to Undergraduate Admissions I was informed to inquire about my application status to a certain admissions officer and they provided me with an email. I have just finished writing a very angry email and if that will result in my rejection, so be it - I’ve had enough with this mismanagement and terrible administration.

what did your letter say?

Congratulations asingus. UConn is a great school. We visited the campus and loved it. Unfortunately got waitlisted there.

April 15th would be good at least they put a date on it and time for Friday still clinging on to hope =((

First off, @Klossy I found your comment “It seems like they have admitted all the strong candidates before April.” a bit insensitive to the people that are still waiting.

Second, the original waitlist email had a link to waitlist faqs and here are some of these items that could clear up a few questions:

Realistically, what are my chances of being selected from the waitlist for fall admission?

The majority of students on the waitlist are not offered fall admission. However, waitlisted students are
offered admission for the spring semester, provided that 1) the waitlist request email is returned by
June 1st and you picked Option 2 or 3, 2) your grades and courses on the final high school transcript are
consistent with the academic record with which you applied, and 3) there are no additional
disciplinary/criminal issues.

When and how will the university start selecting students from the waitlist?

If we decide to admit students from the waitlist, we will begin making contact around mid-May.
Students will be contacted at the telephone number and/or email address listed on their admissions application.

Should I accept another school’s offer of admission? And isn’t May 1st the national deadline for
students to notify colleges and universities that they will be enrolling for fall?

Yes, you should consider alternative college plans since there is no guarantee that we will be able to
offer admission from the waitlist. That is why we encourage students who have been waitlisted and
who have been accepted to another college or university to confirm their place by May 1st. This will
ensure that you have a spot in college for the coming fall.

If the university goes to the waitlist, will I be notified when the fall class is closed and no more
students will be selected?

Yes. This notification will be provided late in the summer.

I’ve heard that if I’m waitlisted I will be offered spring admission (for the semester that begins in
January). Is that true?

Yes! Waitlisted students are offered a spot in the spring semester, if they wish to enroll, as long as the
grades and courses on their final high school transcript are consistent with the academic record with which they applied, they follow the appropriate procedures within the specified timelines, there are no
additional disciplinary/criminal issues.

Here is the schedule for this option:

June 1: Deadline to reply to the waitlist email. Be sure to indicate either Option 2 (interested in
spring enrollment) or Option 3 (interested in both fall admission and spring enrollment).

September 1 or before: Request that an official copy of your final high school transcript with date
of graduation be sent to the Admissions Office. An offer of admission for Spring 2017 will not be
made until this is received.

Mid-October: We will provide you with a spring-term admit letter.

November 1: Deadline for confirming your spring enrollment by paying the $500 non-refundable
enrollment fee.

Mid-November: You will receive additional enrollment information.

You are responsible for ensuring that we receive an official transcript for any college work you do in the

Please note that admission to the spring semester is a general offer of admission only. This means that
waitlisted students admitted for spring will not be admitted to a selective major.

What are the “selective” majors?

Students who were waitlisted and then admitted for the spring semester will not be admitted to any of
the following selective majors:

• Business majors within the Isenberg School of Management.
(Exception: students who indicated a major of Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) will be
admitted to that major).
• Computer Science
• Engineering
• Nursing
• Sport Management

Will I have the option of applying for an internal transfer to a selective major once I am enrolled as a
student at UMass Amherst?

Except for Nursing, there are opportunities to join the selective majors and programs listed above after
enrollment. Please check the department’s or college’s web site for more information on requirements
for internal transfers to these programs.

This part I find particularly surprising, it does not seem that they are concerned with the fact that if you do a semester at another school in the fall, and leave to be a spring admit, then the other school loses a student that they thought they had for 4 years.

If I’m admitted for the spring semester at UMass Amherst, may I enroll somewhere else for the fall

Yes. You may enroll at another college or university during the fall semester before joining UMass
Amherst in the spring.

Anyway, for the students that know for sure that they will not be attending UMass Amherst, please let admissions know so these kids waiting won’t be hanging on til the last minute. I’m sure they would thank you for that.

I don’t think the wait list is the worst thing in the world, especially with the practical guarantee of admission for Spring 2017. If you are from Massachusetts, it makes more sense to wait and pay $27K total annual cost at UMASS instead of $45K at UCONN. Waiting four months to save $18K annually would seem to be worth it. They don’t mention whether Spring admits are guaranteed on-campus housing. In any case, to those accepting the wait list and your guaranteed admission to UMASS, congratulations on your admissions. It is far from a rejection.

My son liked Umass a lot, (it ended up being his second choice) Once he made his decision and we paid deposit weeks ago I bugged him daily to decline his offer of admission. I sent them an email but they wouldn’t accept it!! It had to come from his email. He finally did last night!! Someone will be getting his spot!! It’s a great school, best of luck to all!!

For those who are waitlisted:

I’m a current freshman at UMass and was waitlisted last year when applying to schools. UMass was my top choice but I decided to attend Penn State University Park instead which is also a great school. After a horrible experience at PSU I decided to leave and thanks to UMass had the option to start in the spring. Starting out at UMass in the second semester has been awesome so far and I am so glad I made this decision. Socially it can be a bit of a struggle at first but it’s really not that bad. I managed to transfer a few credits but am still behind and the advising center has really helped me with figuring out how I will catch up. If anyone has any questions about the spring semester start option just ask. It’s definitely worth it if you really have your heart set on UMass.

Thank you so much for taking the time to post. It is great to hear from someone who has actually gone through this process. I figure why not accept the January acceptance, try your second choice school for the first semester, if it works out - great, if not transfer to UMass.

@barcafan30 Thank you for you input. For financial reasons, I’d like my D to consider deferring admission for one Semester and I am meeting a lot of resistance. I appreciate your thoughts.

Friend got rejected last night on spire

I was waitlisted the other day, and was wondering how is the entire process of transferring? Is the sams financial aid offered as a student admitted for the fall? @barcafan30

@umasswaiting OOS?

My son received his answer yesterday, which is basically waitlist for Fall 2016 or enroll in Spring 2017. Does anyone have any thoughts or experience with a Spring enrollment?
Also, I understand that UMASS has a freshman writing requirement, so would my son need to take a writing class at our community college before Spring?

actually, the reason for deferment to Spring semester is that a large percentage of enrolled Fall students will either fail out, drop out, or transfer schools, so this is just a safeguard for the colleges so they can keep their enrollment numbers where they need to be.

Hoping they release more decisions today like someone said earlier, anxiously waiting!!

Now make sure you keep us posted on this. Just curious because all the kids who are in my son’s class who hadn’t heard back from UMASS yet are hearing this week and are waitlisted.

@Kristen413 Read my post a few spots above yours.

@Jer125 The overall process of starting in the spring was very easy and stress-free. They provide you with a lot of information and are frequently in contact with you until the semester begins. Because you will be a freshman, you are still guaranteed housing and I even managed to get into the dorm I wanted. As far as financial aid goes, I do not think you can receive scholarships from the school. This obviously being due to the fact that a waitlisted students high school grades most likely do not qualify them for any school-provided scholarships (otherwise you would have gotten in for the fall). I do believe you can still receive need based aid from the government though as long as you filed your FAFSA and accept whatever they give you.