UMass Amherst Class of 2020 Decision Thread

Yep, just found it in my spam. Sucks.

I was waitlisted and it was sent to spam as well.

I haven’t heard anything from the school even the waitlist email. Does it mean I am rejected? I applied in Nov. Nothing in Spire has changed either.

@stephaniet121 I haven’t hear back either but I wouldn’t rule out an acceptance yet. I emailed them and they said that they would continue sending out responses up until mid April.

Does anyone have any idea of what time spire is updates? The admissions office said once a day. I check too many times, but I am just so anxious to have answers. I emailed admissions to ask about status, and they said “keep checking Spire”, but yet some are not getting those updates for 10 days after snail mail…

It seems like they have admitted all the strong candidates before April. I notice most people here who heard back after April 1, no matter how early they applied, got wait-listed or rejected. I’m sorry but I think most of you here who are still waiting shouldn’t count too much on UMass Amherst but choose another school as a back up and can reconsider in case you get accepted later.

Spire will probably be the last place you will find out. They will either email it or snail mail and then after that the spire will be updated two or three days later. At this moment guessing it’s a backup (Spire) in case you didn’t get the email or the envelope.

My daughter applied in Nov, Spire still shows under review this morning. But she found out on Tuesday afternoon via email that she was waitlisted. Very disappointing to wait so long for waitlist.

Still waiting and kinda agree that they are going by too candidates and working down. So they did acceptances wait lists and next two days probably rejections :confused: top school and only did want to go to

I think there are a lot of acceptances still to be released. The majority of my town (in state) has not received notice and I doubt all these kids (including my son) will be rejected. I noticed that they were looking for a replacement for a new director of admissions and have not announced who it is even though they interviewed the 2 finalists in January. It possible that the admission dept is just lacking leadership. Either way we just have to wait it out and hope for the best.

I don’t understand what they are doing with the Spring 2017 option. Is that an offer for admittance or just an offer for students to be considered for that term? Maryland (Freshman Connection) and Northeastern (NU IN) both have successful transitions for official Spring admits where students don’t fall behind, are in the school, and earning credits. Maybe UMASS is moving to a similar program. As admissions at the school have become increasingly competitive, it would be good to see that.

@ljberkow My friend’s D is waiting on this school, so I check these posts for her now and then to help her out. I can tell you that I know someone who’s daughter was offered this Spring option last year and took it. It means you’d get admitted for Spring and not until then. IT’s not like Northeastern where you go to another college in Ireland or Australia for Fall semester and then enter in. You are literally not going to school. Her daughter used the time between Sept and Jan to take a few classes and work to save $. She was able to seamlessly blend in there by going in January, but let’s face it, it’s not optimal. It pushed your graduation date out by a semester, you will graduate in January, not the big ceremony in the Spring, and you don’t get the fun of moving in at the same time as others. If you really really want to go to UMASS, you will need to get over those things. It’s not picture perfect, but it’s doable. BTW: Why do colleges send you to Australia for a semester, or make you wait altogether to enter in the Spring??? It’s ALLLL about rankings in US NEWS and Forbes and the like. The colleges only have to submit the GPA’s and Test Scores of whom they admitted for the FALL semester, so if they like you, but your GPA and Test scores may pull them down (in their minds) for their stats and how they are viewed/ranked by US NEWS and FORBES, they ‘trick the system’ by making you wait so that they do not have to record yours. Sorry to tell you this, but that’s the truth. They want you, like you, but don’t want to record your stats. The funny thing is that when you graduate successfully, they will record you as part of their graduation-rate stats! When you get a job they will include you in their ‘how many of our grads are employed’ stats! Also if you become the CEO of XYZ corp, or a famous actress/artist, they will surely brag about you and be willing to fully claim you then! Kind of ironic, but it’s part of the ‘game’.

I wouldn’t give up hope just yet. Last year a poster recorded an acceptance on April 17. Also, Naviance is showing the stats for my D’s school this year is 25% accepted, where on average they accept 55% of applicants from her high school. The number of accepted students hasn’t changed in a week. The school name is late in the alphabet, so maybe they are doing them by town. (in state) Who knows. Wild speculation here.

@becautious Your points are well taken and I agree that it is not optimal for kids to be starting late, especially at a school like UMASS. However, the other options of going to other state’s state schools such as UCONN or other state schools can be $15K to $18K more. It becomes well worth it to wait. My daughter is deciding between UMASS and Maryland right now and the difference in cost is very real. I also believe that it is easier to get in to UMASS and other schools with Early Action and the standards go up, up, and further up for regular decision.

@ljberkow I 100% get it. If there are financial realities that must be considered then getting in for Spring is a great option, and in the end won’t matter four years from now. Like I said, the D of the woman I know used the time to take community college classes (that she verified with UMASS would definitely transfer so as not to waste $), and she worked a lot of hours to make extra money for college. It’s turned out fine for her because her brother was already at UMASS and she is a very bubbly, outgoing young woman. If your student is the same, then he/she will be fine, and if not, then the wee bit of stretching they will have to do to ‘put themselves out there’ a little more as someone starting in Spring will be a good growth opportunity for them. I would just ask the school if they try to match the ‘Spring starters’ up with others who are doing the same thing, or if there is a Facebook group for the Spring starters, or something to help them as they wait a bit and transition in. I know with Northeastern the students that all go to school in Australia/Ireland, etc, for the Fall semester as they wait to attend in the Spring, all get 100% credit for the classes and bond very very tightly as a group, and become long-term friends. All shall be well.

As a side note the “Sprint Open House” aka “admitted students day” is full. Even though its closed, if you do get accepted, I would still go. You may not get a free lunch but I’m guessing you can certainly sneak onto the tours and visit the presentations.Just my opinion.

From what I have seen in my two visits to the school (first was the tour and second was admitted students day), UMASS is very supportive. We are doing admitted students day at Maryland next week and it will take a lot for them to outdo UMASS. Not my decision though. :wink:

I haven’t gotten an update on umass. It’s still under review. I haven’t got a waitlist email like everyone. Does it basically mean that I am rejected? It heard they give there acceptances to everyone earlier than waitlisted…so am I basically rejected?

I just called and they said that they hope to get the rest out by April 15th and some will be posted online around 6 pm tomorrow.

my son got the email last night…wait list…and it was the same email someone else previously posted that was missing the vital info like what to do next…how the heck do you screw up an email like that???..
congrats to those who got in, good luck to those still waiting…