UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

We have nothing yet either! I called admissions and they said it can be anywhere from today until the end of January.

Insta said CS and Engineering are being released today

If it was like 3 years ago yes, sorry. It stinks because I am sitting here again waiting!!!

“end of January” okkkk lol

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later today then?

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not sure - im cs and havent gotten anything yet

Daughter just got accepted to Isenberg. OOS. 12k a year in merit


thats great!!!

I hope so.

Any Nursing yet?

S23 admitted to Informatics in Manning with merit. Does not say anything about Honors College. So, presume that’s a no?


ours had a paragraph

Your Commonwealth Honors College Decision
The Undergraduate Admissions review team has completed the challenging task of selecting the small group of students to be admitted to the Commonwealth Honors College (CHC). We are sorry to report that we are not able to offer you a place in the Honors College. If you are interested in being part of CHC, the college does have an application process for UMass Amherst students who have completed at least one semester of coursework on the UMass Amherst campus


The honors section is down below the letter - under next steps and stuff.


I got accepted (OOS) into CS with a 16k/year scholarship and admission into the honors college!




Any CS majors accepted yet?

I see it now. Same message. It’s down below as other poster said.

Still waiting. Twin 1 ME. Twin 2 Physics and be was accepted this round.

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My daughter is not home yet and she has applied CS so I don’t know

For anyone who didn’t get anything the office said it was released in a batch today. We have to wait for the next wave sadly :((

Disappointing since all my friends got their decisions today, but oh well