UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread


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Has anyone here or does anyone know of anyone who has been denied? Haven’t seen a single rejection or deferral so hoping they aren’t saving all of those until the end

Yes worried about that. Looks like all were acceptances.

when did you apply? I’m wondering if it has anything to do with when they receive the application?

No, timing of application is not how they release. We applied 5 days before the deadline and were in the first wave.

In years past, I believe deferrals & declinations came in the very last wave at the end of the month. Highly qualified candidates have been amongst those deferred in the past but UMass also admits a higher number of candidates from the wait list than many schools. I bet there will be more waves of acceptances between now & then and motivated kids, who find themselves waitlisted, will still have a path to get there in the fall if that’s their top choice. Good luck to all in the weeks ahead


Can you share the stat for nursing acceptance?



My son was accepted today to Isenberg OOS 12,000 per year Chancellors award - we are still waiting on one more decision but UMASS is fairly high on his list so this was great news!
Good luck everyone!


OK, thank you! Just wondering
I think my son applied 5 mins before the deadline!!

4.4 weighted, test optional, rigorous h.s. courses, STEM related ec’s/work experience, OOS. UMASS a top choice and communicated that in writing section. Good luck to your student. Nursing admissions is :grimacing: everywhere.


I applied for nursing too, heard nothing. I connected with quite a few people instagram who also didn’t hear back. Who knows!

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S23 got accepted in CS, instate. No money, no HC. The first school! A big relief.


S23 accepted in-state, social science—very happy with this news!! Congrats to all admitted, and I hope the rest hear good news soon!


Food for thought. UMASS takes approximately 5000 freshman. So these waves have to include deferrals, wait-list, and denials. They can’t all be acceptances. First wave alone was 5000.


UMASS Amherst’s merit offer came in a bit lower than we were hoping. She loves the school so I don’t want to give up on it yet.

We are going to have the counselor send in D’s first semester grades. She has a tricky transcript so straight A’s and AP’s this semester could help a lot in her case.

Also for this school she would not need a car whereas she would at a couple of the others. I’m trying to think about how much that might save us when she’d have to drive it literally across the country.


No, but most apply to honors college after a semester- that is her plan.

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Giddy up! :rofl:

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Please share stats if you’re comfortable doing so. Thanks!

Please share stats if you’re comfortable doing so. Thanks.