UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

yeah, i think i rather just straightforward know when the decision will be released (even if it’s later like VT at mid february or UConn March 1st) than go through this cryptic UMass EA process which has had me thinking i would get the decision anytime soon since early december yet i still haven’t gotten it

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I also feel they will release more by Jan 22. MY S23 has already been admitted, but my twins23 have applied to 19 schools between them and UMass is the only one we have a real decision from (S23 has one ED Deferred as well.) D23 is waiting go on 3 EA schools and none have released. We aren’t expecting them until Jan 27.

I will say that going in we all knew “End of January” was the stated decision date. I know it’s hard to wait though, especially when others are hearing back. I do appreciate schools offered EA at all. Some have done away with it altogether. Good luck.

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We did 12 as well, and know all but 3, but there are several we have not heard back about merit or other scholarships, which are essential for us as OOS applicants.

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I have seen that at some of the other schools my daughter has been accepted to.


Right! That’s the other side of it. Applied Auburn ED 10/15, knew by mid November that he had gotten in but they wait until sometime in Feb to award FA. Great that he got in but until you have the full list of where you got in and the financial pictures tough to make any decisions. It makes for a long couple of months for sure.

Virginia Tech’s EA is actually end of Feb. It’s brutal. UVA is mid-Feb.

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I read on the thread for VT from last year that they released 2/18 (even though they publish it as being “end of Feb”). Doesn’t mean it will be the same this year I know.


For me, it’s not the “end of January” that’s the issue. It’s the fact that there is no rhyme or reason on when/how decisions are released. If they said “everyone will get their decision on 1/31”, then that’s fine. South Carolina said all EA decisions were being released on 12/14. Delaware and Indiana clearly conveyed the rolling-type process so everyone understood it takes about 6 to 8 weeks, so when you got your decision would depend on when you sent your application in.

But here? Nobody seems to have any idea of timing, why some get decisions when others don’t, etc. Example: two of my son’s friends applied to UMass several weeks after he did. One of them barely made the EA deadline. They both have decisions and we don’t. I feel like their approach is “we’ll release them when we release them and you’ll get it when you get it”.


I’m wondering though whether they should have EA if “decisions” (and, in some cases, deferrals) aren’t released until after the RD applications have been received (or very close to the RD deadline). The system overall should be better; there isn’t a great way to handle the enormous amount of applications they all receive. It’s extremely frustrating, and must be even more so for the students.

UMass is worth waiting for–D20 is very happy there. Good luck!

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If the issue is that they want to compare certain applicants to the RD pool, then they should send deferrals in a timely manner. Not hold decisions back completely so kids don’t know where they stand.

South Carolina received a record-breaking number of EA applications this year - I’ve read as high as 40% more. It resulted in a very large number of deferrals…but again, they were totally transparent. My son got his letter exactly when they promised he would, and it explained that he was still under active consideration but they wanted to review his application in the context of the entire RD applicant pool. Totally fair, and it let him know that perhaps he needs to prepare for a no and move on to other schools.


I agree 100%! My daughter is a junior and this is my son’s first choice and he’s extremely anxious about this delayed decision. How can they push visit days when so many kids are awaiting their decisions? Someone needs to speak to the communications department :weary:


I will be honest, I am more comfortable with how UMass is handling this, than UDel. At least UMass is giving out info on Instagram. My daughter applied to UDel on 10/9. They were sending out “waves” of exceptions every Friday from 11/4 on… she just found out last Friday 1/13, that she was accepted. During that entire time, not one update on decisions… not via email, social media…nothing. 11 weeks of checking, every Friday and watching people on the UDel discuss the acceptances that went out that week. She was so disheartened by the process, I think it forced her to lose interest in the school, even when she was accepted.

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I appreciate the responses. We’ve only heard from 2 other schools so not much to compare it to but those schools are very different in how they handle the process. I hope people who think UMass will release another batch before the 22nd are right but that only leaves one more business day. I think next week is more likely but who knows. Good luck to everyone still waiting!


I’m very surprised to hear this. We applied to UDel on 10/3 and got our decision in mid-November. Lots of kids in our area also applied there and everyone got their decision in 6 or 7 weeks.

I still like the South Carolina approach best. All EA decisions released at once, on a date that was communicated well in advance. Everyone got their email at the same time.


Totally agree. The USC decisions was simple and consistent. She was accepted at USC as well, and that wasn’t a top choice. I feel like the excitement and ease around the acceptance actually drew her to the school.
She is applying for Nursing, and I am wondering if UDel pushed nursing acceptances to the end of the “waves”. Which honestly is completely fine and somewhat expected with more competitive majors, but just say that!
University of Tennessee was the same as USC. They told them the date… they posted it… no drama whatsoever!

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The 3 kids I know that applied to UMass all got accepted in the last wave. This leaves my daughter with a very worried feeling. I am not liking the college process this time around. My son applied in 2019 and had a very different and better experience.


Our kids seem to be interested in the same schools! UDel, UMass, TN, SC. We also applied to LSU, Rutgers and Indiana. Sports Management major.

He was deferred at SC, he was disappointed but had already received a few acceptances to soften the blow a bit.

Glad to hear that about TN. We applied, but missed the EA deadline. They said decision on 2/15 so good to know that’s exactly when we’ll get it. LSU was super fast. We applied RD and had our decision in about 4 weeks.


My Son is also still waiting for Isenberg. One of his friends heard last batch. We are in state. One question… were there rejected and deferred decisions in the last batches? All I am seeing are accepts, but that may be self selection

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I read on IG (comment section) that there was a small wave released about an hour ago. Can’t confirm it’s true but maybe check portals, as we never received an email when S23 portal was updated.

If they say by the end of January, it’s the end of January.

I’d rather have my kick butt essay read and considered as part of my application and have the school judge me on more than my vital stats and not be sure what day they’ll release decisions than have my fate determined by an algorithm on a known earlier date. Understand my point UGA and Clemson?

At the end of the day, this process determines how my next four years will be defined. I’m willing to put off instant gratification for a thorough review. Sure, it’s anxiety provoking, but I’ll be a stronger person in the end.