UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

My daughter applied 2 years ago to the Nursing program. She had a 5.2 weighted GPA, #3 of 350, President of National Honor Society, Captain of Math Team, Captain of Varsity Basketball, Varsity Soccer, 1490 SAT, DECA, Peer Leader and involved in many volunteer activities and she was Waitlisted…have no idea how UMass decides who gets in??


And was Waitlisted!!!

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That makes no sense.
I know someone who’s son applied and got accepted to Isenberg in the 2nd wave. My daughter applied to Isenberg too and has higher stats and hasn’t heard back. Getting worried

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I just don’t get it…my daughter was waitlisted at UMass and was accepted to Georgetown University School of Nursing and Boston College School of Nursing!!! Just no rhyme or reason???

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Someone on instagram said it was unfair that they were posting admitted student days (one on Feb 11th) before all the waves were out.

UMass admissions replied that they have 11 days…

Just guessing but I think that means the last wave will be out on Tuesday 1/31…

I could be wrong.


Go to Georgetown unless the $s are an issue, Georgetown is expensive.

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I would agree, there’s just a monetary difference of $50K per year…and I’m not sure if it would really pay off in the long run? Every nursing student has to take the NYCLEX to be state certified…I’m just wondering if the $200k over 4 years makes that much of a difference overall?

Universities want to accept kids that they think have a high chance of going there. Given the stats you cite, they very well could have thought that wasn’t the case. If Umass was their #1 choice it might not have come across in the application. Sounds like they landed just fine though. Just a thought.


Same here, early app submission, still waiting… (OOS, CS)

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Hello, thank you for your input…I agree…however, my daughter’s #1 choice was UMASS Nursing undergrad. She absolutely would have gone there! So now it’s a problem(for her parents) that she’s a high stat kid who needs to pay full price because a college doesn’t “think” she’ll enroll there and affect their yield? Now we have to pay $80K to become a nurse because her state college doesn’t think she’ll enroll?


Hmmm, the networks you kid will make will be a huge plus, I haven’t met a person who hasn’t said ‘Your kid won’t ever have to worry about a job, he’s made for life’. It’s opens a lot of doors, but in the end they need to be capable to making the most of it. It does breed astonishing self confidence in their capabilities. But yes the $s are sizeable. We bit the bullet and have never regretted it. It is unnervingly expensive but very seductive when you are wondering around Georgetown itself.

Hi, I totally agree with connections and opening doors but I’m wondering whether Nursing is affected with those connections? I can see the business connections but I’m wondering if a Georgetown Nursing Major is going to get a better job than a state college nursing major?


In my observations with some family in that field your thinking is mostly correct. Unless the student has aspirations of some specialty or eventually becoming an administrator, etc etc - once you pass the regional tests it really doesn’t matter where the degree came from. Nursing is an incredibly transportable occupation though. If the student has aspirations outside a standard nurse, those connections could play a part.


It’s so crazy… so what does that do to the idea of applying to “safety” schools? It truly undermines the system.

UMass is an extremely hard nursing school to get into. The acceptance rate into the nursing program is very low. That being said (I work in healthcare) nobody cares where u went to school as a nurse. If you can avoid a ton of loans /debt I would. Once you pass your boards you are all on equal footing.


Sorry to ask.
My daughter got acceptance from Simmons university BSN nursing
Also she got,
Umass Boston
Umass Lowell.
She want go Simmons university but she dont get HONOR college. There is any impact if we dont complete degree on HONOR? for further studies like MS or DNP.
Please advice.

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I have a soft spot for CU because I did my MA there and am still in touch with some of the faculty in my department. My kid also applied to UMass sight unseen (for silly reasons I won’t go into here other than that I suggested he apply there rather than UMass Boston, which he’d had on his initial list). We won’t let him accept any offers before he visits UMass. Semi-rural western Mass is a very different vibe than hustling-bustling Austin!


My S23 loved the New England college vibe (we’re from the Bay Area CA) as does my D21 (currently at Smith College). We love it too and are planing to move to the Northampton-Amherst area in August 2023. Boulder is a whole different vibe. D23 loved Boulder the town. But we have a few CU alums in our family too. I’m surprised your kid isn’t looking at UT. Too close to home? I’m from Dallas originally and was dead set against staying in Texas (which I ended up doing anyway for financial reasons, until grad school).

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I’m originally from TX and am now in CT…lived in Westlake for a bit. Austin Soooo different than Amherst. We have visited Umass twice, while campus is lovely i am not too impressed with the surrounding area (I am probably in the minority). My son admitted to Umass Amherst, still on fence if he will accept… I think he is deciding between this, umass lowell, Embry-Riddle, and Florida Institute of Tech. He probably would have gone to NJIT, but not a fan of Newark.


Not disagreeing with you but it’s not the universities that are encouraging the “reach, target, safety” methodology - it’s the consumer side of it. It sounds crude but at its core higher education is a business transaction. Universities would love a system that’s pure Early Decision. Consumers would love a system that has 100% transparency - and maybe even consistency across all universities.