UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

@Collegebound231 @
Stalling tactic- they feel the need to post something no matter how irrelevant in response to the pressure to release. The last wave (their 2nd of the estimated 4 waves) was released on 1/12/22 which was a Thursday.

I think they released most of their EA decision announcements last year on Tuesdays; 12/7 12/14 12/21…. not sure about the last wave date.

You have to love all of these lame posts - especially todays fall foliage - seriously!

I guess we should believe what people tell us- but last year they released 3/4 waves in December - leaving a little space for wishful thinking that - just maybe, they would release sooner rather than on the final date provided for- “end of January”!

It’s not over till it’s over- hoping they are saving some of the best for last as we wait on the edge of our seats double fisted :rofl:!

Good luck to everyone still waiting!!


Their reply 5 min ago on Instagram said again “end of the month” - I don’t know about UMass but I usually refer to anytime after the 25th of a month the “end of the month”! Aghh


I think that means literally 1/31 unfortunately. That’s my guess.

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I think so as well, hope that doesn’t reflect badly for those kids who haven’t heard

What do you think the reason is for the long wait? Too many applicants?

I don’t know, sometimes the person running social media accounts is involved with marketing more than actual decision making . . .


Last year RD it was every two weeks. They would post the day AFTER on Instagram that they released a batch. So they could still do a batch today, and if last year was any indication it might happen. Keep eye on socials tomorrow


What concerns me that I did not see any denials from last two batches. But again it is prob self selection who posts.


One son said he has seen on boards waitlisted kids. The twin admitted in 2nd wave no longer has Umass as his #1 choice. Twin 2 still waiting to find out, but is no longer his #1 choice. I feel this dramatic wave process has played a part in it. So, at this point I think it about closure.


Yes. As somebody pointed out on this board, the wave process itself is not a problem it is a lack of transparency. UMass needs to be transparent w respect to number of apps considered, number rejected, accepted, deferred etc. OOS v Instate and which majors. Once this is over I actually plan to send a formal letter to the director of admissions. As a Ma taxpayer I certainly have earned a right to do so.

Oh and posting admitted students events etc while they know a lot of kids still waiting is just bad form plain and simple.


I also think despite UMass claims that batches are random I think there is a certain logic to it. Based on my pure speculation using this board from this year and two years ago:

Batch 1 - less competitive majors. OOS and Instate students. Lots of OOS merits. Highly qualified students. No Isenberg. No CS

Batch 2 - more equal mix of majors. OOS students. Instate students who are definite acceptances. Isenberg, CS starting to be included

Batch 3 not yet released - more competitive majors like CS and Isenberg with less qualified candidates which were not obvious

No idea where Nursing fits as it is super competitive and small

These are my two cents.


Interesting theory. My OOS CS student hasn’t heard yet. We initially thought UMass would be a target with her stats but now we’re both worried that she won’t get in (let alone get into CHC). She’s going away this weekend so I’m actually hoping she won’t hear until next week - if she’s rejected it would ruin her trip. : (

The admitted student events without all EAs was definitely in poor taste.


Fits my theory. My son is still waiting for Isenberg. Two years ago my older son was waitlisted for CS in the last batch, but his stats were on the lower side.

UMass is more transparent than most schools. They’ve published a full comprehensive report each year after the admissions and enrollment process is complete - since the 1980’s. It’s easily accessible online. They have no responsibly nor need to offer real-time data to the general public other than to appease impatient parents and students. A true holistic approach, which UMass actually takes, doesn’t allow for empirical data until all is said and done. It would be remarkably irresponsible for them to throw out numbers that change by the day.

They’ve said all decisions will be out by the end of January and that was known to all going in. They also said they’d come in waves and to not fret if you know someone who got their decision while you’re still waiting. But again, all released by the end of January. So assume end of January - or just get angry and dismiss the opportunity for a great education at a great institution because you didn’t get instant gratification.

It’s forums like these that can be remarkably helpful but it’s also forums like these that allow disgruntled people to meet and their “concerns,” rational or otherwise, to fester.


I have read the report. It is published afterwards and indeed very detailed and helpful. Umich publishes a similar report. My point about transparency refers to decision batches only. I never said UMass was not transparent with its admission stats from previous years.

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Each college at UMass makes the final decision on a candidate. It’s not a single AO or worse, an algorithm making the determination. Our applications pass through many hands and are seen by many eyeballs in multiple departments.

It’s not the most efficient process which makes transparency, as you define, impossible - but it’s a much more comprehensive process. I’ll take that all day long.


And that’s is great. How does this preclude UMass from releasing Batch 1 and publishing something like? Today we released x number of decisions, majority were for the following schools, out of X Y were acceptances, Z were denials and the rest were deferrals/waitlist. This data for each batch is readily available since the decisions have been made. I am fine with the batch process but would like it to be more transparent.


Just want to point out that back on December you had a similar opinion as those who are still awaiting decisions “This just feels like half- assed government work. I hope this isn’t how they teach.” Your tune changed once you were accepted.

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They don’t owe that to us and giving us that information leads to even more baseless speculation. To the contrary, I believe they’re teaching us a life skill - the ability to cope with anxious moments.

It’s our choice to be out here on various forums looking for play by play and reading tea leaves. UMass doesn’t need to accommodate our craziness. They said end of January and waves along the way. That’s it.