UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

Lack of information leads to baseless speculation not the other way around.

In December my concern was that there was no information on timing of anything. They updated us since then and that satisfied my concern.

I don’t care how many in this wave or that wave. Just give me a know-by date and I’ll go about my business.

And for what it’s worth, I have not received my decision yet.


I know the waiting is so very hard. Please remember that even those who have received a decision from UMass maybe waiting for another decision elsewhere. Please, let’s be kind to one another. We are all in this together.


I do hope you get in as it seems this is the school that “speaks to you”. That is half the battle
finding the right fit.

Met up with a friend today (in state) whose student applied RD and has already heard back (accepted, non competitive major, ivy level stats). Another friends student applied EA and was flat out declined in the 1st batch.
My student is still waiting (in state, CS, sibling is junior ((3rd gen alum)), great stats), as well as several similarly competitive kids from her HS that all applied CS. The wait is torture! Hopefully we get actual decisions by 2/1 and not just a massive batch of deferrals.

Thanks. My parents both went there. It’s in my Top 5 but not my top choice. Good luck to you too!

I find it interesting that a person applying RD got their decision before EA despite the stats. I think a lot of schools trying to see what comes in at RD before releasing EA. Good luck. CS is a great program at UMass and not easy to get into.


 a RD came out before EA for Umass? That doesn’t seem accurate.

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That is what the previous post I was replying to said.

I don’t think that post is accurate. I have not heard of 1 RD yet for UMASS.

Yes re the RD app, it was a friend of mines kid. The applied for something within humanities and film, also admitted to CHC. Not overly competitive majors and the student has stellar stats.

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That is really gross if a an RD student, no matter the stats, was given an answer before the EA students. Goes right along with publishing the accepted student day info as well.


This is, well, surprising anyway.

If indeed the case, I don’t believe it’s the norm at all, despite a particular student’s stats/major. I wouldn’t infer anything about UMass’ practices from this.

Good luck to all students eagerly awaiting the next wave!

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when is the next wave?

Unfortunately, no one knows.

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By end of day Tuesday.

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Can someone remind me if merit comes with the acceptance

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thought this might be helpful for people who got into UMass in the first round. Just got my financial package but there was no email, I just went to my spire portal and it was there! so maybe check if you guys applied, you might not get an email :slight_smile:

Good luck to everyone waiting! Hope the best happens!


good to know! was it a separate letter or link?