Umass Honors College or UW Madison

I am a international transfer student.
I got offers from UW Madison in general studies and Umass Amherst Honors College in computer science.
I am interested in artificial intelligence and plan to go to grad school or directly to PhD.
Umass accepted me to the Honors College, so I think there will be more research opportunities for me, and I’ve found many research labs and projects in AI that are interesting to me. But I cannot find much of AI research in UW Madison.
However, the overall ranking and computer science ranking of UW Madison is higher than Umass, and the campus of UW Madison is beautiful.
I don’t know where I should go.
Could you give me some advice based on the opportunity of getting into great grad schools after graduation?


UMass Amherst Honors, if it is affordable, is a very good option. UW Madison is the best but if you don’t see many compatible research opportunities and it is more expensive, UMass is the way to go. Both schools can help you for grad school/job prospects.