
<p>I'm really considering this school. It seems to offer a lot. Plus, it's a safety for me! (Sorry I don't know much about the school yet; I'm still researching.)</p>

<p>What are your opinions on this school? BTW, I meant UMass at Amherst.</p>

<p>My friend Meghan goes there, and she says it's great. You're right it "offers a lot"; Meg says that basically whatever you like/do/are interested in, some outlet exists, and that encompasses everything from physics to intense parties (that would be why it's called ZooMass, I suppose; also, keep in mind this is the school where they set that car on fire during the ALCS last year). A lot of people are snotty about UMass, but I think it's awesome.</p>

<p>Plus, with the whole Five College thing, you've got access to some private colleges' resources. So...take that into account.</p>

<p>It's definitely the best out of the UMass schools, and I hear the honors program is good</p>

<p>A lot of people from my school go there every year. From what I hear, it's a huge party school and part of the 5 college consortium, which includes Amherst College, one of the nation's best in liberal arts.</p>

<p>Thanks! bump</p>