UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

As long as you get high enough grades in prerequisite classes you are accepted as transfer to CS. Might change in the future though.

Got into CS out of state with Scholars Program… does anyone know what that is?

First Year research experience. Training first then lab experience. My daughter did it her first year and really liked it though it was a bit redundant because of her high school STEM experience. Good way to meet lab folks for opportunities to work or intern in a lab later.

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I applied for Aerospace Engineering, but have Letters and Sciences? What does that mean?

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where did everyone see their acceptances/denials for me it just says submitted on the terps application portal

It is. My daughter (who’s a freshman got into the Honors program last year), but the majority of her friends got into Scholars and they are just as smart. I’m not sure how they judge who gets into scholars/honors.

Me as well

you got in but not for aerospace eng. you are currently an undecided major

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What is Carlton communities? I was accepted into it however I applied for business

got in with a weighted 3.91 and no test scores! could someone tell me what carillon communities is? it said I got accepted to that???

For those that got admission to spring semester- were you in state or out of state?

did you mean carillon cause that’s what I got into to?

for me it says “view decision letter”

where did everyone see their acceptances/denials because on my portal it just says submitted on the terps application portal

lmao what is letters and sciences? I applied engineering and got in for spring

could someone also tell me what major letters and sciences is and also what the advising colleges of letters and sciences is because I applied for business

has anyone else not heard?


Haha! I got accepted to carillon communities too! Anyone know what it is? Congrats!

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Son admitted to business, in state

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it means you weren’t accepted directly into the limited enrollment program, like computer science. For engineering I believe you just take pre-req classes during your freshman year and if you get high enough grades you will transfer.