UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

no way you wanted to attend UMD over UVA right? uva is a much better school. you can’t even compare them.

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No, UVA is my top choice. I’m just confused about how I got rejected from UMD even though my stats were generally high enough (1350 SAT, 3.8 GPA) to have a good chance of getting in and how I got accepted to UVA, which is much harder to get accepted to.

Depends on a lot of different factors. RD at Maryland is harder, the AOs have stated as much several times. Are you in-state at one of the schools? Maryland admits overall and then the colleges decide, not sure what UVA does. Each school is looking for different qualities to fill out their freshman classes so it could be that you had something UVA was looking for? Either way congrats on your admissions to UVA and best of luck to you. There are too many intangibles about this process for it to really make a lot of sense.

If you didn’t apply by the early action deadline and moved to a later pool - it changes the dynamics. It’s sort of - he missed a key thing - he better be Harvard-esque or we’re not taking him.

I suspect if you applied by the initial deadline you’d have been fine.

does anyone know when the decision comes?

Thanks, I wish you the best of luck for you. I live in NJ so I applied to both schools out of state. I applied for EA for UVA. I think applying RD and being OOS was definitely a factor in my UMD rejection. Also, I applied for their school of engineering and they did warn me that the engineering school was harder to get into than other programs before I applied.

Yea it makes sense that it gets harder for RD, I just didn’t think it would get that competitive. I applied EA for UVA through QuestBridge which is prob why I got in. At the time, I had no choice but to apply for UMD for RD because I was applying for their NCM scholarship, which didn’t allow EA/ED apps for any school outside of QB, including UMD.

Uh so no one knows when decisions are coming out? I’ve been hearing about them for almost a week now, still haven’t gotten mine…

They posted on social media the decisions were all out, if you don’t have one I would contact the admissions office.

No decision for my son yet.

Has anyone not yet received a decision?

Definitely call, I know people who didn’t get a decision because they never got the test scores for example.

Congratulations on being a Questbridge Scholar! That’s a huge accomplishment. I think that you may have been mistaken about Questbridge not allowing you to apply to other universities through Early Action. There are exceptions: one exception is for universities that require Early Action to qualify for special programs and scholarships. UMD has traditionally required Early Action for both admission to the Honors College and for incoming freshman scholarships. Hence, it should fall under the exception clause. Honestly, many public universities reserve Honors and scholarship eligibility to Early Action applicants.

This is where I found the exception policy. QuestBridge | Early Application Policy

Appreciate it, I wish I’d known about this when I applied. I submitted all of my non-QB applications after November 1

Aw. I might be wrong, but that was my interpretation of what I looked up. In general, most of the publics are heavily encouraging Early Action through scholarships and honors eligibility. Since the majority of publics (UVA excluded) are not direct competitors of Questbridge schools, it doesn’t matter. I hope that you excel at UVA! My daughter met some Questbridge scholars during her application process and she was impressed by them all!

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I just checked the RD thread for 2024 and two of them applied after EA deadline and got scholarship in April. Guess rare exceptions

No decision for my daughter yet. I think she has moved on to other choices at this point.

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Have you called? I believe anyone who doesn’t have a decision there was likely a problem with your application (such as test scores weren’t sent and they considered the application incomplete).

Not yet. Son tried calling on Friday but admission office was closed.