UMD - College Park Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Probs that they’re getting the portal ready for decisions tomorrow at 4pm EST


I applied for ED on time, however my counselor recommendation was not submitted until early Jan. Will they consider my application for EA?

I meant to say EA

Wow! I don’t see your counselor’s reason why wait. Unfortunately, As far as I know, your are not EA if not submitted by Nov 1st.

Thanks, but everything else was on time. I thought the counselor sent it. But she did not until I reminded her again.

can someone chance me? i know they’ve become more competitive the past few years and im worried

ACT: 30
GPA: 4.13/4.4 (3.75 on a 4.0 scale and about a 94 on a 100 scale)
6 AP’s (Bio-4, Lang- 4)
630 Bio SAT Subject
Out of State (ny)
4 Honor societies
two varsity sports
some community service
a pretty good essay

I think you’ll get in. The 30 is strong. Tell you why. Many only took the test once or twice and many not at all. So 30 is stronger this year than in years past. The APs are a bit light in quantity . Two colleges told my daughter the Honors Societies don’t matter because they know they are just listed items for certain achievements. But two sports, great grades…unless you applied to engineering or business, I think you’ll gain admittance. But if you wait another day or two you’ll know from a real admissions counselor, not one who plays one for fun.

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okay cool thanks for the feedback!
even though my ap’s are light i took more difficult ap’s like bio, lang, lit, chem, gov, and macro. i applied as a biological science major just for reference lol

@shiam Wow. That is disappointing that you had to remind her.

@ko12876 For what it’s worth, I think 6 AP’s is great. When my S18 applied and was accepted 3 years ago, he only had 2 AP’s (but 5 college courses and about 5 honors classes). I know it is more competitive now, but my D21 is similar to you with 5 AP’s, 7 Honors courses, 31 ACT and I think that is in line with what UMD is looking for (historically speaking). Of course, I could be wrong since many kids from our district have applied to 20+ schools with Maryland as more of a safety school who can bump her out of the running. I guess we’ll know within 24 hours. Good luck!

I see the same

anyone seeing their id here: Password Management

nope it says no match found for me


@H0llyw00d wow I had no idea Maryland was so competitive. I went there back in the 80’s when you could fill out the application with a crayon!

I really hope it’s good news tomorrow, she has better stats than her mom, lol.


No records found in password management. either they fixed the hack or I am rejected

@erd1020 i know. I marvel at how smart and involved these kids are. When I went to college you needed a pencil and a pulse. I think I took one or two AP’s and I was a rockstar. A competitive dancer was someone who danced a couple of hours a week, not a couple of hours a day for multiple days a week. I think these kids are amazing and I truly hope all of their college dreams come true.


I think UMD will come out tonight around 5pm right?


I grew up in MD, and in the 80s, if I recall, you gave them your GPA and SAT scores and there was a sliding scale for acceptance where the higher the GPA the lower the test score you needed and vice versa. I don’t even know if there was an essay.

It is amazing how competitive these state flagship schools have become!


Final countdown today!! Who’s ready???